
Is this the true face of Glasgow Rangers we are seeing today?

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all these questions glorifying assaults on celtic staff,all the bjk(again),all these new names(kid on supporters),words like "taigs",others talking about wee boys,sad sad this what you are dragging Scottish football down to?And not one of the real supporters condemning it...WHY?




  1. l.f stop giving them free time..they are not worth posting and wasting a question on... p.s i utterleycondemned it yesterday when rico showed me a link to ...tommy burns

  2. always hate when politics and ethnic stuff comes into play in any sport. One of the few good things in America, we dont have much, if any, of it

    Football is a sport, its a chance to get away from the general bullchit of the modern world, but seems in europe, its used by a few for an excuse to hate

    sad and pathatic but I guess its always been as such

  3. Better ignoring it.I always ignore the IRA stuff too.

  4. no even worth getting angry about

  5. No it's not and once again I apologise and am ashamed of some of the things that have been said.

  6. these people are never happy and will not be again come the end of the season

  7. i suppose the same could be said of the ones with the ira and republican aviators who were on a while ago spouting vile and got more stars and thumbs up than anything..i don't condone bigotry of any description but i honestly think people need to open their eyes and see it is not just a gers problem...then again as thomas said maybe some secretly agree and have a laugh about it...on both sides

  8. Was thinking the same thing myself. They won as well ! Must still be hurting real bad. Probably spend their whole life hurting. Good, they deserve it.

  9. they won the match so could be taking the p**s out of how shite we were but no they still act like arseholes even after winning the game!

    they cant even enjoy a victory without acting like a *****!

  10. unfortunately it will never change you'll always get the bigoted minority in both sides of the old firm and while I'm here can i just apologise to any celtic fan that i may have offended yesterday when i made a comment about samaras being a rubbish player it was only a bit of fun thats all you will get from me i like to see my team win and i enjoy the banter and stuff but i know where to draw the line i support rangers and a few of my friends do as well but my partner and my children are celtic supporters and ive got friends who are celtic supporters and nothing ever gets out of hand  

  11. could it be LF that some of the ones that say it is wrong secretly support it

  12. ye could condemn it till yer blue in the face.but it wont make any difference.its no gonna change nothing. noo am one for gettin right up you lot and well the abuse scandal did actually happen and if the shoe was on the other foot then you lot would be just as bad.  

  13. Glorifying violence, using child abuse as a stick to beat us with (when even they know that the greatest Scottish manager of all time only knew how to win the European cup), mocking recently deceased men, chanting secterian/racial abuse, these people truly are Scotlands shame

  14. yes this is the true face of the bigots and  idiots who still live in the dark ages and always will and they call them self rangers supporters

    i would imagine most decent fans would condemn them even when they win they bring shame to there club

  15. its exactly the same side of the celtic support we see in here too LF, swings and roundabouts - richard gough, huns, orcs, scotlands shame, ibrox disasters, tarring all with the same manchester brush...

    i condemn any side who acts in that way.  

    banter is banter, but a line has to be drawn somewhere.  i wont be stepping over it, im not like that.

    ive suffered it for months in here and watched many celtic fans take part and enjoy what they call "banter" when its just bile.  

    i for one will at least make a stand and condemn their behaviour, like i did yesterday but you know what?  im not going to sit and do it every day, apologising for them.  

    ill do what i do with the tims who behave as indignantly week in week out.

    ignore and block, make no fuss about it.  works every time.

  16. L F, you come on here condemning folk and choose to take an immature swipe at me once again, rather hypocritical ?

    Take the time to read my posts from yesterday, and you will see that I condemned those who attacked Lennon and the banners about the deceased.  On many occasion in the past, I have did likewise to the 'BJK' brigade.  

    I lay the challenge to you, find a single bigoted post from me and I will apologise profusely, and never use the forum again.  Seeing as how you won't, because there are none, why not be a man, admit you were wrong, and apologise ?

    The choice is yours !

  17. Can't speak for everyone but i'm sure the majority are much like myself.

    Opportunity to wind up Celtic fans???

    Grab it with both hands because we all know what goes around comes around so make the most while you can!!!

    And your answer to my last question is an example of what makes it worth while.

    If you don't like a question why answer????

    Surely ignoring it would make more sense if it upsets you so much.

    Now dry your eyes and lighten up, lifes too short.

  18. did you see this goal at the weekend ??

    just in case you missed it ! lol

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