
Is this the true face of Islamic governments?

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International court likely to seek arrest of Sudan's president for war crimes in Darfur.




  1. In some cases. Ofcourse, war crimes also happen in Christian European countries.

  2. If UK Government doesn't do anything then Vibrant UK will become thing of past.

  3. The Islamic movement has now reached near 2,000,000 in the UK, this is a disaster already and counting

  4. If a government still won't let a people honestly choose to worship how they see fit then you can bet that the government is probably corrupt and dangerous on many levels. Most Middle eastern countries you would still be put in jail if you tried to attend or start a church. The government and police would be all to happy to look away while it was bombed or abused .... no respect for these kinds of governments or these kinds of countries.

  5. I fear for the free World. It is so important that all eyes be fixed on Islamic fascism - know your enemy... xx

  6. Islamic politicians....corruption all down the line,,,,,greed and self    agrandissment   A lot of other polkiticians too,

  7. He is not the only one, if that happen they will have to arrest the majority of them. corrupted as they are.

  8. More war crimes happen and happened at the hands of dirty and retarded western "democracies" than in so called "Islamic government". Strictly speaking, no government of the world is actually 100% Islamic.

    On the issue of war crimes. Are you bunch of ignorent no-hopers blind to the war crimes being commited in Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine, by the west. People in Iraq were and still are being abused and the same goes for Afghanistan. I will not even bother to raise the position in Palestine. There, people are being abused daily and the west including UK and the USA stand and watch and therefore allow such acts to be commited.

    Get your facts right, do your research and understand the current and historical world position before you even attempt to post a question or indeed an answer you bunch of turds!

  9. it is so. but dont say anything we dont want to upset anyone

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