
Is this the true face of feminism?

by Guest63584  |  earlier

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Answer given by a feminist a few minutes ago:

"Guess what loser - now it's men's turn to be oppressed so let's see who is the weaker s*x now"?




  1. I've been debating feminists online for years now.

    That point of view is very common.

    It's similar to the "what do men have to complain about?  ...they're in control" sort of opinions where there isn't even the slightest bit of acknowledgement that men can also suffer and that their suffering is wrong.

  2. I don't know but whoever said that sounds ignorant. It wasn't the men who are alive today's fault that women were oppressed in the past. No gender should be oppressed or considered weaker. Maybe the person who said it was just playing, but still that is mean.

  3. Yes its the true face...abominable isnt it?

  4. It is when you get them mad at you lol.

  5. I don't know but that sure is mean :(

  6. Smile and give it a big kiss!

  7. Guess it's comments like those made by that feminist is what makes it clear that it's a grudge match.

  8. Pretty much.

    Despite all the waffle about feminism being a force for unity, it is more appropriate to look at it the way this person does: she at least is honest enough to show the true face! This is no ecuse however.   It is another tragic step along the path of all those who believe that one must graduate from being oppressed to becoming an oppressor.  This is an atavistic and self-indulgent notion in a person who has the mind to formulate a real debate and a justifiable argument.  People like this are ultimately as impotent as their tracts of hate and cheap shots.

    It is the wolves in sheep's clothing, the social engineers, the commentators that we must be alert to.  These are the insidious ones who do the real damage.  The propagators of VAWA, of unfair Family Courts, of the rights of women to be violent, and insist that men be passive.  It is those who teach girls to be empowered and yet demand boys be guilty held guilty for being boys.

    Read Blue B's comments with amusement, and some saddness.  I sent her an email (polite, you can be sure).  If feminists claim that men are the ones who need "fixing", then how can they respond to an answer like that?  

    Claiming that it is somehow justified through "righteous anger" is spurious because she makes claims against men that have nothing to do with any alleged actions by men.  Also, this righteous anger thing is not permitted for men.

    Rio, all men are usually judged by feminists on the basis of the words of one man.  We are expected to accept this generalisation.  Come on, be fair, women have greater licence to criticise men, rudely, even on this forum, than men do.  Perhaps men are the more mature in this area: at least we actively go up against misogynists, rather than excuse them.

  9. No, of course not. That is someone who has got the hump. I have never understood the tables are turned argument - it doesn't work for the rich and poor either.

  10. Yeah pretty much.  I used to defend feminists on here as you probably know even though I don't call myself one.  Well that stops now.  They don't give a d**n about sexism against men.  I'll never believe the lies they tell again.;...

    My favorite answer is Blue B's.  It has 6 thumbs up and is as sexist as anything I've ever seen.  This shows you the views that most feminists on here have about men.  I still have hope for a few of them but most of them are a lost cause for fighting for true equality.  The evidence points against them on the equality argument.

  11. Have people yet to realize that?

    Answer to the question: Of course it is!

    NOTE: Before feminists having some twisted notion of what 'equality' is ask me to explain myself, read each and every word of my answer to this question before thinking feminists care about men's issues and are doing far too much for them:;...

  12. Why is it that when ONE self-proclaimed feminist says something you don't like, you assume that ALL of us feel that way, despite all evidence to the contrary?

  13. Sexism against men is exactly the same as sexism against women.  Anyone who can't see that is setting themself up for an argument that can never be won, and not a feminist either.  Would be very interested to know who said it so I can see the context / avoid them in future though :-)

  14. Unfortunately, it seems that way.

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