
Is this the truth about John McCain?

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Did you know when McCain was a POW and he lived for 4 years on a single grain of rice?

And shared it with the less well fed prisoners!

Does this not make him more enlightened than Obama?




  1. Obviously your statement is  silly.  Parts of his past aren't all that positive though.

  2. Of course that's not true. Is he more enlightened? In some areas yes in others I'm sure not. None of us are more knowledgeable about every subject than others. I suspect McCain understands sacrifice more than Obama but Barack has probably dealt with racism on a more personal level than McCain. So to presume some sort of one upmanship  based on life's experiences is unfair in this case.

  3. For you to be poking fun at a decorated war hero, is shameful, thats not what the first amendment is about.

  4. Whether true or not (I doubt it) he's still the only suitable candidate.

  5. where did you get your info from?  i guess from a card carrying rag head or from a hillary or obama web site

  6. Yes and no. McCain was a POW. But the military has declassified most of the POW files since the end of Vietnam -- that is with the exception of John McCain's files! It is rumored that he collaborated with the Vietnamese.

    This website has files on all the POWs/MIAs and is searchable.

    type in McCain, John and see what you find. Most stuff in his case will be post-Vietnam War, early in his senatorship.

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