
Is this the way to check and find out who she really is?

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This morning I called her bcoz 3 days ago she said she wanted to see me. I asked her to dinner this evening. When I called her this afternoon to confirm the evening date,, she said she was goint to lunch with a friend,,did not say male or female. and that she would meet with me at 7 PM for dinner. On my way to the restaurant, I get a text,, "I am sorry but I don't think I am going to make it to see you for dinner,, I am really tired." Of course,, I text her,, "OK, I will eat alone." She answered,,"I really am tired, sorry." I arrived at the restaurant and I said,, WTF!! I text her, "please next time you say you will come and don't ,, then don't bother." no answer,, so I called her 3 times n no answer. I got upset n txt her, "You must be so tired or so busy that you are speechless and can't even anxwer, enjoy your all night date." she txt "Jorge I don't have to fu**ing explain 2 u, I don't care if u eat alone n i txt that I will not come, don't dare disturb me again!!"




  1. Well, you were a little insensitive, but honestly, if she couldn't even come to dinner she probably isn't that interested in you and said yes to the date to be nice.

    She may have health problems or something like that and that affects her energy, but honestly, I have those and if there is something I REALLY want to do I can usually do it for an hour or so.

    Just move on and find someone who really likes you.

  2. Good thing she found out how much of a psycho you were early on.  Good luck.

    P.S.- Try Singles and Dating next time.


  4. Uh, seems to me, she found out who YOU really are.

    You're jealous and suspscious; you refuse to believe what she says; you're a stalker who will harass her for no reason.

    Get help.

    You had no right to phone and text her all those times.

    She called to cancel. She didn't stand you up, but let you know she couldn't come.

    You ASSUMED she was lying, and you harassed her repeatedly.

    Leave her along, and call a psychologist, so you can work out your emotional problems before you end up in proson.

  5. wow, fly off the handle much?

    could it have been that she didn't answer because *gasp* she was resting or sleeping?? yet you assumed she was on an "all night date"?

    good thing things ended between the two of you NOW.

  6. That is plainly RUDE.

    Move on, let it go, and find a better date (better said than done)

    You don't need people like this in your life, at least she showed her true colours quiet fast. Therefore you will be able to move on in an easier way.

    That was just too strange or too immature.

    I am sorry, that is plain jerk behavior.

    EDIT: I understand why you were texting her so much, you were waiting for her and her answer made you angry, absolutely normal as she cancelled at the last second.

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