
Is this the way to go green.?

by Guest10630  |  earlier

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1. Change light bulbs from inert incandescent to mercury filled poison bulbs.

2. Drink water from the tap that could be contaminated so that plastic bottles are not used.

3. Use fingers instead of TP.

4. Move out of house in live in a biodegradealble cardboard box.

5. Use a composting toilet or out-house.

6 No showers or bathing, it uses water.

7 No new clothes, the use resorces and child labor.




  1. My, you got up on the perverse side of the bed today.

    1. From an energy used vs. contaminants produced view, yes.   " CFLs contain a very small amount of mercury sealed within the glass tubing - an average of 5 milligrams (roughly equivalent to the tip of a ball-point pen). Mercury is an essential, irreplaceable element in CFLs and is what allows the bulb to be an efficient light source. By comparison, older home thermometers contain 500 milligrams of mercury and many manual thermostats contain up to 3000 milligrams. It would take between 100 and 600 CFLs to equal those amounts."

    2.  "Brita" or another brand of filter can take out the impurities and save the plastic.  It isn't an "either/or" choice, since there are third, fourth, and more alternatives.

    3. Again, I think your tongue is firmly in your cheek.--Now THERE is a perverse visual.   I wouldn't, because you'd have to wash much more diligently for hygiene.  I'd suggest that you do not have to use the entire roll at every flush, though.

    4.  I suspect you can get by on less house than the McMansions being built in our area without resorting to cardboard.  I have trouble believing that a normal person who has a job and sleeps regular hours would suffer much by being in a house of fewer than the 4500 to 10000 square feet currently being touted around here.  Who wants to keep that much house clean, any way?  Our house could use more storage, so I think 2,000 would be PLENTY for us.  We currently live in about 1,700. sq. ft.

    5.  Nope again.  The city is dealing with the sewer in a more efficient and hygienic way than you could do-it-yourself, unless you happen to live on your own little 30 acre spread.  Then compost away, dear.

    6.  Showers of about 5 minutes with a low-flow shower head would be fine.  You can save 4 thousand gallons per year by shampooing every other day rather than every day, and it's easier on your hair, too.

    7.  Personally, I draw the line at recycled undies....always new for me.  While it may be a bit extreme to go totally vintage, it is possible to live without a brand new outfit every week.    Really!  

    So the answer to your question is a qualified no.  That wouldn't be the way most people would choose.  But then, you seem to be a special case. ;)

  2. I think you have put the finger on the problems with this whole green movement.

  3. I'm sure that would help the world tremendously, but it sure would suck for you!! I know you're being sarcastic... but seriously, tap water's not gonna kill you, using half the toilet paper you typically use would still work just fine, don't worry about using the toilet, just don't run water in the house when you're not using it, take showers at half the water flow instead of fully blasting, and there are lots of good resale shops that do have cool clothes such as Plato's Closet, or you can find used items on Craigslist, eBay, or garage sales.

    It's really not that hard! I know you're *totally* overwhelmed but it's really not that complicated.

  4. sure ,here are some more ideas

  5. Yes, that is it.  You will find that the Greens are all about reducing your standard of living.  While they talk about reducing, the fact is they are trying to get people to live just the way you describe.

    For instance, they are blocking the building of more efficient power plants.  It does not matter that the new plant will replace one that uses 3 times the fuel, it still emits Carbon, so it is bad.  Well, if less is better, then why not build a new one?  It is not about saving the environment.  It is political power using guilt and the environment as an excuse.

    To answer your question:

    1. Change light bulbs from inert incandescent to mercury filled poison bulbs.

    They really do not contain that much mercury.  This is a ploy, so that when the incandescents are banned, they have a reason to ban the mercury ones.  We will then be reduced to candles, which will also be bad.

    2. Drink water from the tap that could be contaminated so that plastic bottles are not used.

    Don't forget the fluoride.  It was shoved on most of us, and now is proven to be toxic and useless for cavity prevention.

    3. Use fingers instead of TP.

    Many countries already do this.  Yuch.

    4. Move out of house in live in a biodegradealble cardboard box.

    Only if the carboard is made in an environmentally correct fasion.  Otherwise you should live under a tree.

    5. Use a composting toilet or out-house.

    Better to be sick with dissentary, because we all know that water is like gasoline, and someday will be all gone.

    6 No showers or bathing, it uses water.

    See above.

    7 No new clothes, the use resorces and child labor.

    You should wear potato peals so they will not find their way to the garbage dump.  Protect the landfills and recycle.  What could be better?

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