
Is this the worst joke ?

by Guest33451  |  earlier

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An elderly retired couple were driving down the East coast, when they stopped in Georgia for a fuel stop. The elderly woman was very hard of hearing, and usually asked her husband to repeat everything.

An elderly station attendent came to the car and started filling the fuel tank. Making idle talk, he asked if the man liked the weather, to which the man replied, "Very much."

"What'd he say?" asked the woman.

"He asked if I like the weather, and I told him 'yes'," replied her husband.

"Where are you-all headed," asked the attendant.

"Oh, we're going to Jacksonville," he repied.

"What'd he say?", asked the woman.

"He asked where we're going, and I told him to Jacksonville", the husband replied.

"Where are y'all from," inquired the attendant a few moments later.

"Oh, we're from Maine," the man replied.

"Ah, I was in Maine for two years while I was in the Air Force, replied the attendant. In fact, I dated a girl from Maine while I was there. It didn't last long though. I have to tell you, this girl was the worst in bed of any girl I ever knew."

"What'd he say?" inquired the woman.

"He said he thinks he knows you," replied her husband.




  1. No...this is the worst joke:

    What do Michael Jackson and caviar have in common?







    They both come on little white crackers.........ewwww, but funny!

  2. lol : )

    Thats funny ^^

  3. Hahahahaha....have a star



  5. I was waiting to be dissapointed but was pleasantly surprised. Certainly not the worst joke I have ever heard!! Any more???  

  6. Not the worst nor is it the best.

  7. the worst one is about the chicken crossing the road, Yours is quite funny.

  8. haha, that one made me laugh a little. good one ;)

  9. lol  

    Where do you come up with these?

    Thanks for the laugh!

  10. OMG i almost died laughing!

  11. hahahahaha! have a star!

    best answer, please!

  12. ha ha brilliant

  13. haha.

    no its not the worst.

    one of the best i've heard.

  14. yes it is horrible

  15. ohmygoshhh

    amazing joke (:

  16. That was an amusing joke.  More please.

  17. Ha ha ha.!!!

    Very good mate.!!!



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