
Is this to gross for me to stay with him?

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My b/f (His name is Alan Dennis) wants a tattoo of a fox's tail starting at his coccyx and going right up his back. I do not know what has happened to the nice boy I thought I loved.




  1. personally, i wouldnt be too bothered, as its not his back you fell in love with, it was himself.

    if you are really against the idea, tell him of the pain, the risks of infection and the cost of the tattoo. also, ask him would he still like it in ten years time.

    tell him you do not like the idea, and that it disturbs you. when he sees how upset you are over a tattoo he may change his mind.

    but if it is something he really wants to do, then he will do it eventually.

  2. Talk to him....tell Alan Dennis that since this is a permanent change that you don't think you can handle, that you'd like him to reconsider.  Ask him to get henna tats that wear off over a comprimise.  If he wont, and goes ahead, well you'll have a big decision to make.  Btw....i hope thats not his real name!

  3. your drowning in a glass of water, its not that big of a deal

  4. tell him how you feel and let him know hes making a huge and completely retarded mistake

  5. Well i am a girl with many tattoos and tbh i like them, but, i think that if he wants to do it you should stand by him if you love him even if that's a crazy idea. :-) at the end of the day he could be doing a lot worst to you  

  6. If you don't like it, tell him -- but he's going to make his own decision about it.  So if he gets it, don't be mad because he didn't do what you want.  If it's too unattractive, just break up with him.  It sounds shallow, but if you're unattracted to him, you're not going to want to be intimate with him.

  7. It's his body, and if he gets the tattoo, it won't change who he is, so... if you really love him, this tattoo shouldn't matter.  

  8. That's not gross at all. Tattoo's anywhere are awesome!

  9. Ohh fgs grow up - there is one h**l of a lot worse out there.

  10. If that is what he wants, let him. It would look pretty tacky but that is his choice. I don't see what is gross anbout it though and how should this change how you feel about him.

  11. tell him you don't want him to do it.

    I would say it was gross, but for my personal opinion, i cant see why she'd like it done, it wont make him preform any better!

    Maybe he's just saying it as a joke, to wind you up a little?

  12. It is tacky but it will remind him of you.......drama queen springs to mind!

  13. it isn't that unusual, but you need to tell him how you feel before he has it done

  14. If you really loved your boyfriend you wouldn't care what he looked like let alone if he decides to have a tattoo.  

  15. hes gotta go and i'll eat him for soup!!

  16. Well, if that's what he really wants let him do it. But, talk to him about it. Tell him how it's permanent, once it's there, it's always there. Unless you want to pay thousands to get it removed. Tell him it's going to be painful. Just things like that, and you and talk him out of it. :] Hope I helped! Good luck!  

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