
Is this to much common sense ?

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Check out this video.. Is this to much common sense ? I believe it is..

God bless !

6 1/2 minutes long






  2. The first thing that unites a country is a common language. Look at Dearborn Mich. It has become the middle east of America. The Muslims have taken it over and there is flight from that city of the non-muslims. Garden Grove, in Orange County Ca. is the Vietnam of America. The saying there is "The last American out, bring the Flag".

    We are the United States of America, not the Diverisified States of America. This is common sense and it has already come back to bite us. My twin grand daughters fourth grade teacher has compained that the American students education is suffering because the teachers have to take so much time with the children of the illegals that do not speak English.

  3. i dont UNDERSTAND

  4. Who is that guy? I want him to be President of the USA

    He is right on every single point, shares my own personal views,

    h**l, I'll run with him as VP

    Thanks for the link. Everyone regardless of political views should view these words of WISDOM.

  5. Common since is not a factor in America anymore. The fact is that people will say as long as it doesn't bother me I don't care. In the long run it does bother them. And when it does come around to bite they'll say why didn't we do something about this when actually every American voter had the right to make a change but they won't as long as it doesn't bother them at the time. Just think of what Nafta is doing to us now and all the jobs that were shipped out of the country because of it. It was explained very clearly of its effect to America in 15 years how it would take its toll and now we are living it. And all anyone wants to do is blame some one else for a factor that has taken place over time of this bad trade act that took billions of dollars from us. Without being true to America and standing on the grounds that created it we destroy it everyday. So where is common since? Must be stuck in the behind of some of those liberal idiots that we have in control of us.

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