
Is this to much to eat ina day?

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1 can of tuna

1/2 peice of bread w low fat margarine

bok choi (steamed)

small serve of chicken and corn soup

3 forkfulls of pasta

if i continue to eat like this will i gain alot of weight? what shjold i do to lose weight?

thank you guys






  1. Oh my god. Are you anorexic or something?

  2. go to a doctor. that way, when you end up in the hospital, they will already know you.

  3. Sounds like not enough to me.  Will you gain weight?  Who knows, a lot depends of your paticular circumstances.  Some gain weight just looking at food, others can pig out all day long and still stay slim.  My step-brother used to practically shovel it in and remarkably he stayed quite slim.  Also, excercise makes a difference, burning off dem calories.  See your doctor if you have a problem.

  4. It seems like it may not be enough.  You need to look at calorie intake.  If you want to loose weight you also need to make sure you are healthy.  What you have listed is missing veggies and fruit.  If you need help and support you may want to seek out a doctor&#039;s help, o maybe even a group.  I have lost 20 lbs this year by joining a non-profit weight loss group called T.O.P.S.  

    You can visit their site at

    It is also cause for concern if you are overly concerned with the number on the scale.  This could be signs of an eating disorder and severely altered body image. Please visit this site to see if you need to seek out professional help:

    It is nothing to be ashamed of, but it is something you need help with and can not fix on your own.  My best friend battled with the disease, and I had a bit of a battle with it as well.  Please know that by not being healthy and eating right you can do major damage to your body.  If you eat a balanced diet your weight will find its right place.

    Good Luck to You!

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