
Is this to much to eat?

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Is this too much to eat?

this is typically what i eat a day:

Breakfast: 5 chocolatechip pancakes w/ syrup and glass of whole milk

Snack: 3 twinkies

Lunch: 3 pices of pizza with large fry and coke

snack: 2 brownies and glass of whole milk

Dinner: whopper with large fry and moutaindew

midnight snack: chocolate cake and ice cream

I'm always hungry and people always say im a pig.

extra info:

i'm 14 5'3 and i weigh 170 and my waist is 30 inches around and people think im prego!




  1. 5'3" and 170lbs.  i think that's fat and yes that's alot of food for one person.  i couln't eat half that

  2. more tips at

  3. WOW.

    That's what I eat over a few days!!

    Eat healthy food, veges, bread, LOW FAT MILK, fruit etc.

    If you feel hungry have a massive salad.

    If you eat healthy food you feel full quicker and you can eat a lot of it without gaining anything.

  4. No, that's fine. Keep up like that and you'll have a six pack in no time! About being pregnant..maybe if you eat like this you'll spawn some pancake with a whopper head, fries for arms and legs...that'd be cool. Keep in touch!

  5. Well, that is a lot to eat, to much.... It is very unhealthy. Try to eat 2 or 3 pancakes without the chocolate chip and a glass of fat free milk. Its better if you don't have a snack between breakfast and lunch but if you must then try something like an apple or some kind of fruit. For lunch try a nice whole wheat bread sandwhich with tomatoes and lettuce and turkey instead of 3 pizzas with a salad instead of fries and water instead of coke. For your next snack if you must eat it then try a fat free yogurt with some type of fruit. For dinner try eating home cooked meals, fast food is very bad for you. Try eating a piece of salmon with veggies and instead of soda try some nice organic juice. And for desset try some fat free ice cream with a glass of fat free milk. Not only will people stop thinking of you like a pig, you'll be a lot healthier. I hope you consider this change for your health. GOOD LUCK! =)

  6. Honestly..

    Is this a joke.

    It's not even close to being funny.



    - T :)

  7. Honestly, that is a bit much.  I say take out all of the snacks and how about instead of a whole glass of milk you down it to about a half glass of milk.  

    For the pancakes either take out the chocolate chips or take away two chocolate pancakes from the original five.

    No Midnight snacks, and drink water whenever its available instead of pop.

    If you do all these things I guarantee you will see improvement in you weight/diet and you'll most likely feel a lot better.

  8. NO not enough make it 10 choc chip pancakes and a dunkin doughnuts muffin

    snack 2 double choc doughnuts and 3 twinkies

    lunch 1 whole pizza and a large fry w/ 2 cokes

    snack 2 brownies and a piece of apple pie w/ whole milk

    dinner 2 whoppers a large fry and a large mountain dew

    midnight snack 1/2 reeses choc cake and 1/2 gallon of ice cream extra whipped cream and ur set!


    and if ur prego double it!

    im sure ur in tip top shape

  9. Not only is it too much - it's not healthy!   You can still eat a lot if you make healthy choices.  

  10. oh my gosh. WAY too much to eat! and it's not healthy!! skim milk not whole. cut down on the pancakes and have some fruit w. breakfast. one not three twinkies. 1 or 2 slices of pizza and don't get large fries. chips wold be better like tortillas. and don't have two sodas a day.and def. not two fries. instead of brownie have gold fish or pretzels or fruit or veggie or granola bar. no way you can have a whopper every night for dinner and fries. Instead of soda have milk or water and have a reg. hamburger instead and veggies on the side like a salad.

    If you do this, trust me, you will see the difference after even one week.

  11. You are always hungry because virtually everything you are eating is terrible..

    Eat fruits, whole grains, vegetables!

    Try and get foods higher in fiber they fill you up longer leaving you satisfied.

  12. Put down the fork.

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