
Is this too irrational?

by  |  earlier

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The other day my teenage daughter came home at 4am. Her friend gave her a ride home, she said she didn't feel well. she was supposed to be sleepin over at a friends house. And we called her friends parents and talked to them, they said they didn't give a ride home that a friend did. She had told us the latter. We were upset with her, and grounded her the rest of the summer. (5 1/2 weeks). I also put her on house arrest. She's not allowed to go anywhere, she just has to stay home and do chores (more than usual). Now she just sits at home, does the chores, watches Tv, or plays tetris online. (I made her deactivate her facebook account). Only places she can go is the rink to skate, her flute lessons, and the school for color guard practice. This is the first time she's acted up. Am I being irrational, and if I am what should I do? (And I called her a s**t for a slightly inappropriate picture she had on her facebook, her in her bathing suit)??




  1. what i want to know is why did you get so mad at her. she didnt feel well who cares who gave her a ride home as long as it wasnt like an older man or sumthing. and maybe she didnt want to tell you because of the way you react. or have reacted in the pass. if this is the first time shes acted up ease up on her. shes just a kid. just explain to her next time that she should have called and confirmed it with you first or had you go and pick her up/

  2. yea ur being a litttlle too hard on her but she must of been emabarassed to tell her friends parents to take her home. jus t ssit with her and tell her wat is okay for her to do and what isnt okay for her to do

  3. It's never a good idea to flat out call your daughter a s**t first of all. However, the damage is already done now. Explain to her rationally that you don't want pictures of her like that posted online because anyone could get their hands on them these days and you're just looking out for her best interest.

    As for the punishment, 5 1/2 weeks is a long time but I bet she will never do it again. Just make sure she doesn't sneak out after this punishment is up. Even though you grounded her for a long time, 4 am is a rediculous time to come home. (and I'm 18) Nothing good happens that late at night.

    Also, be aware just because you made her delete her facebook account doesn't mean that she hasn't created another one already.

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