
Is this too many s*x partners for there age?

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Three of my friends are 16 almost 17 two of them have already slept with five guys in one year my other friend said she's had s*x with 8 and she started when she was only 14 and the other two started at 15.




  1. I can't say how many partners is too many for a particular person, but I can say that both of your friends would be rated as being "high risk" due to the number of partners they have had. 5 or more partners increases the  risk of STDs and HIV. I hope your friends are using condoms EVERY time and are seeing a doctor/PA/NP for yearly exams and STD testing. I think a lot of people like to focus on the physical repercussions of s*x like pregnancy and STDs, but I feel like your friends should seriously consider the emotional repercussions, which at a young age are just as difficult to deal with. Rejection/acceptance issues are hard to deal with and reflection on their own behavior may lead them to why they are not able to maintain a monogamous relationship.

  2. Holy c**p!  You have some S****y friends!

  3. Your question of "too many s*x partners" would require me to make a moral judgment for another person that I don't even know.

    You should at least be a little bit picky about the guys you choose to join with in such intimate relationships, just for your own health and well-being.....

    s*x is not love, and love is not s*x, but if you side with the creation theory then you will have to admit that s*x was intended to be a fun activity. How else could you explain the clitoris and the other little g-spots that make it feel so good.

    I also can't make a case for waiting until you're married to experience the joy of s*x because over 30% of our current society will never marry, and 60% of the ones that do marry will be soon separate, and I personally have never felt that s*x was only for those that choose to sign a marriage contract.  Abstinence just ain't natural, and having s*x is as natural as eating, sleeping, and breathing.  As a matter of fact, having s*x is your only biological reason to exist on this earth, so don't let people take you on guilt trips.

    The proper time to have s*x is when TWO people, each with 28 permanent teeth, want to "do it."

    One important rule you might keep, just for your own health and well-being, is that he, your s*x partner, must always use a condom,,,, NO EXCEPTIONS,,,, unless you both intend to have a baby.

  4. Ask your three friends to answer a few questions.  

    Of these 18 man/boys how many initiated the desire to have s*x?

    How many did you first say no too?

    Of these same 18 how many did you initiate your desire to have s*x?

    How many said no to you at first?

    Now...who is getting what they want?

    TAKE CONTROL GIRLS  Start out from the place you want to be for the rest of your life.  That place is not as a man's doormat.  Miss/Mrs/Ms Suzie Round-heels gets little respect from both men and women.


  5. Very S****y women...i think the US has a serious problem...the roles are changing women are the really horny ones nowadays...not like guys haven't changed though.  Just don't be like it for your husband.

  6. Rebecca - stop shoving your views down people's throats. People can have s*x when not married if they want.

    That is a lot for 16 year olds. My friend has just turned 16 and she's had 6 partners, starting at 13. Bizarrely, she has no regrets.

    I think more than 1 is too many for people under 18 (maybe 2 for over 16s). Bearing in mind I'm in the UK where it's legal to have s*x at 16. I'm not a virgin, and not married. But I've only been with one boy, and I've been with him for 2 years, and I know he loves and cares about me. What's wrong with that? I can't get married yet.

    There's nothing wrong with having s*x before you're married. Don't let people convince you that you're going to h**l unless you stay a virgin until marriage. For crying out loud, it's the 21st century. We can't exactly be burnt at the stake nowadays.

    But, to answer your question, that is too many partners. However, it's really no one's business. Don't let them pressurize you into doing the same, wait until you feel ready and make sure you really care about the person.

  7. That's not to many partners if your a freaking rabbit. These people are destined to become strippers or  alcoholics. I am sure when they are married their children will be proud to call them mom. I would love to know my mom was the high school ho.  

  8. give ur friends my email please cause im interested

  9. I think the general consensus here will be yes.  

    However, it's truly no ones business but their own who they have slept with.  Hopefully they are protecting themselves.

  10. That is way too many.  It sounds like your friends are not old enough to handle s*x to begin with.  If they were old enough, they would know better than to jump from guy to guy to guy.  And most people aren't ready until they are in their twenties anyway, although most begin much much earlier.

  11. No WONDER 25% of teens have an STD....  

    Good grief  :-\

  12. god d**n! your friends are ******* s***s!!!!

    holy **** thats way to much you better not to that or youll be just another s**t  

  13. Yes it is.  You should have one partner and one only.  Your husband AFTER you are married.

  14. yes that is disgusting that's the reason so may teens have stds take it from me ive seen so many people go through being a single teen parent its horrible so don't have s*x till ur married

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