
Is this too much coincidence. Bilingual kids?

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I have a boy and a girl, I'm raising both bilingual English-Spanish. My girl is great at both but my boy tends more towards English.

My niece and nephew are the same, she can do both very well but the boy leans towards English.

Another couple we know has the same issue, the girl does both good but the boy also tends towards English.

Is everybody else in the same situation? is this a boy vs girl thing or a Spanish/ English thing or do boys just take longer to speak no matter what language it is. Please share your experience with me. Thanks

Oh, in all of these cases Mom=Spanish, Dad=English




  1. well, it could be coincidence, but it could be that the girls in all those families are the eldest? if so, maybe they got more help and support from parents to learn the other language and when the boys came there wasn't as much patience/time for the parents to give them full support in learning the language?

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