
Is this too much for a birthday party?

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I'm throwing a party for my daughter 1st birthday. So far, 200 people have RSVP.

We are having:

Cotton Candy

Snow Cones


Face Painting

Balloon Maker

Lots of Hawaiian Food (Luau party)

Then for the adults, we are providing liquor for them.

All they can drink liquor.

We have a band.


Is this too much for a party?




  1. Sounds like a lot of fun! I say whatever you want. (if you can afford it) make a big deal about it. No you son won't remember but he will be able to have pictures and video and you'll always remember his 1st. Good Luck!

  2. yeah i wouldnt do teh liquor thing at a 1 year old birthday. who the h**l is goign to be paying attention to the kids? i thought i had a big party and we had about 30 people there. didnt really count but  we just did pizza some other foods cake presents and let the kids play. i got candy goody bags with col toys for teh older kids and little kiddy goody bags for the babies. your baby is probably goign to be exhausted by teh time presents are over

  3. "Is this too much for a party?"

    It sounds like an embarrassment for all concerned.

  4. whatever...

  5. You're having adults drink at the party. I'm sorry that would be too much, I would not want to remember my son's first birthday with a memory of someone being drunk and rude or possibly driving home and wrecking with their child in the vehicle. It's his days not you'rs.

  6. 1:  Cotton Candy:  Fine.

    2:  Snow Cones:  Really?

    3:  Clown/Magician:  Scares little ones out of their minds.

    4:  Balloon Maker:  You mean the clown from #3 makes balloon animals too?

    5:  Lots of Hawaiian Food:  Babies and Pig Roast = Good Times 4 Sure.

    6:  All you can drink liquor: Because a drunk parent at a First Birthday = a Happy Parent.

    7:  Band:  So drunk parents can dance long after their kids have fallen asleep in the car, traumatized from the clown.

    8:  DJ:  In case the Band sucks right?

    "Is this too much for a party?"  Nah.  Go for it.

  7. all they can drink at a 1 year olds party? are they coming for the booze or to say congrats to the kid?

  8. That is more people than I had at my wedding two months ago!  I know you're excited about your daughter first birthday, but tone it down a little.  That big of a party can be overwhelming to a small child.

  9. You obviously have your mind made up since you think anyone who disagrees is being "judgmental", but just remember that these birthday things come around every year and each one is a "once in a lifetime" experience (you'll only be 2 once, only be 3 once etc...) If you can spend the money in good conscience, then by all means....

  10. For me? Yeah, that would be WAY too much. But I kind of assume that you already know that most people wouldn't throw such an extravagant party for a toddler. If that is how you want it to be, then that is how you should do it. Enjoy!  

  11. personally, i wouldnt go this far. i think a birthday party should be about the birthday girl/boy. i doubt your one year old enjoys an open bar. i'm not there yet but i'm pretty sure my son's first birthday will be close friends and family sharing our celebration of his first year of life. There definatley wont be an open bar...  It sounds like you need to plan 2 seperate parties... one for the baby and one for the parents with the babies at a babysitter's

  12. It sounds like a ton of fun.  Some kids have a problem with lots of activity, noise and people, so be sure to give your daughter some quite time away from people if she needs it.  Enjoy :)

  13. If you want to pay for it then go for it! Lol! I sure wish I could afford it.  

  14. Is it too much?  Yes I think it is too much.  Even if I could afford all that stuff, I would Never waste money like that.   It would be better to spend maybe a quarter of what you're spending, and give the rest to charity.  

    If you don't like people disagreeing with you, then why ask? it's pretty obvious from your question that you already know it is "too much"    

  15. for a first birthday you should go all out...for the kid. im not sure if your little one will enjoy or be scared. be careful

  16. Thats okay because kids can do a lot of things and they will surely enjoy.  But I wouldn't recommend the liquor. It's a childrens party and the band also, the attention will be divided. Focus on kids.

  17. That's not too much at all! If you can afford it, do it! You only turn 1 once! Enjoy it! .. and take lots of pictures!! :)

  18. Hi - if this type of party fits your style, taste and budget, then enjoy it!  Everyone is different!  Have fun! =)

  19. It is fine. I went all out on my kids first birthday. People thought it was to much but they only turn one once. Havae fun and enjoy it.

  20. I feel the party is too big. If this is what your doing for your daughter at 1 imagine when she is 5! However, if it matches your lifestyle then go for it....

    I wouldn't have ANY of the liquour there though. Just my opinion - never mix alcohol with a CHILDREN'S party!

    Good luck with it.

  21. That's over the top. She won't even remember it. I'd do something less expensive and more practical.

  22. Sounds more like a party for adults than a party for a child who is turning 1. Seriously, all you can drink liquor and a DJ?


  23. For a one-year-old it is way too much.  You also don't want all you can drink liquor around children that small.  Someone is going to get hurt.

  24. Sounds like a fantastic party!, for adults only.  The emphasis seems to be misplaced.  Throw the party, leave the baby at grandma's and enjoy yourself.  Then have a small(er, read less than 100) gathering for you baby's 1 st birthday where you can focus on her and her alone.

    By the way, what's the snow cone nonsense anyways?  I thought you were from Hawaii??

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