
Is this too much for preschool children?

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I'm a new preschool teacher and have prepared my lesson plans.

I'm planning to have weekly jobs for the children, ie, line leader, flag, lights,door, etc...

Also, a student of the week will be class leader and teacher's helper...

And we will have a class mascot who will join us in our daily activities (also palnning to name the mascot in November by election)

I hope this is not too much for the children ages (2.5-3.5)

From what I hear some of the parents can be fussy...

Thanks so much for your advice, I always choose a best answer :)




  1. No, I actually think that is a great idea

  2. well i would take out the mascot election i think thats a little over the top and the kids really dont know what election means other than that ur a great preschool teacher!

  3. it seems pretty age appropriate.. those are all really good ideas.. hope your school year is fun!

  4. I am a new preschool teacher as well.  I think that this is not too much for the children.  I think it will teach them responsibility.  They will also get a feeling of self worth.  They will take pride in their duties.  It is a great way to build self esteem, character and a sense of being an essentiall part of a group.

  5. Most of it sounds reasonable. However, I'd change jobs and leaders daily rather than weekly. If there are 15 kids in your class 15 weeks is a long time to ask a preschooler to wait.

  6. oh my goodness NO! lol it will give them a sense of responsibility and make them feel important and help with opening up socially

    i use this every year with my preschoolers and they LOVE it

  7. no thats just the right amount!

    we did that when i was that age and we all loved it


  8. No Keep Up the Good Work

  9. For any preschool ideas AT ALL go to:

  10. Hi, it all depends how and when u introduce it. As long as u dnt rush it into a couple of days and plan well ahead to provide a gap between each introduction it should work just fine.

    just remember if you feel u cld add something or remove something then do it - preschool is all about flexibility.

    Have fun

  11. I would make it student of the day, not week. Kids get tired of the same thing easily.

    Just be sure to include lots of free time and some music and dancing, and I know that I would be happy with you!

  12. If the kids come in everyday, you can go with weekly jobs.  Otherwise, switch jobs every day that the class meets.

    I would probably publish a schedule that shows that each child rotates through the jobs and send it home, so the parents see that their child gets a chance.

    I never liked the Student of the Week since the novelty wears off and no one really pays any attention to the kid who is number 20 in a class of 20  --- the first few kids get lots of attention, but it loses its appeal after a while, and as soon as the kids figure out that it is not an honor since everyone gets to be student of the week

    The mascot is a fun idea -- how will you use it in context for the class?

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