
Is this too much makeup for a 10 year old?

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A lil' black eyeliner on the bottom of my eye.(my eyes are almond shaped btw)

Is that too much?




  1. Why should a 10 year old wear makeup anyway? You're 10, you don't have to impress anybody.

  2. 10 years olds dont bother with yahoo answers...

    butt, yes.

  3. Hi hon,

    No makeup for a 10 yr. old, you want to look older than your age or something?

    A little lip gloss perhaps, but definitely not black eyeliner, too harsh for such a young age.  Believe me darlin.

    Wait till your about 13 or 14.  It might help. You have plenty of time to wear makeup, and besides going natural is what looks best, especially at 10.

    Have a good week sweetie,

    Peace {dohiyi}


  4. Sweetheart, Iam going to tell you a little story about make-up.A little history. Make up was created for runway models to have a VERY dramatic look as they worked. Actresses also wore it for their job. In the 1940's and fifties a makeup artist was used to create making a woman look so beautiful so she could sell magazines and posters.But, that was not who she really was and sometimes when seen in public without makeup( even though she wore a scarf or hat and really big sunglasses to hide who she was ) some people would be mean and say her face was just a mask. Now, when I was ten there was no way I would be allowed to wear makeup because I really did not need it. The only time I wore makeup was when I had a recital because I took ballet, tap and acrobats from the time I was five years old until I turned 14. When I looked in the mirror with the makeup on before going out on stage, I felt funny.Because I was busy at ten with dance I really did not give much importance to make-up because at that time girls did not wear it in public.Now the first thing I would like you to think about is why you really want to put that stuff on.And if you start now you will not have any fun when you get to lets say 15 to 16 when makeup will look pretty as long as you do not pour on alot. I bet you are smart and pretty and the popular thing is to just be yourself. I know you have heard this already but it is true. All children are born beautiful and you really should start learning how to take care of your skin. So when the right time comes along and you want to wear make-up, have your mom take you and both of you go for a facial at a beauty school and you will see how much you are already a natural beauty. I want you to look up that word: natural) and you will hopefully  understand that will be the most in thing to have going for you. One last thing. Do not wear underliner. It is so bad for your eyes and you do not want to go back to school with a nasty infection around your eyes that can become red and white with pus. I know it sounds so gross but it does happen. So, I said alot for you to think about and I hope you make the right decision. Keep it natural, sweetheart.

  5. No thats not too much

    but maybe mascara instead?

    dont where anymore though

    Just a thought x

  6. no but a lot of people will tell you  that you do not need it and its too dark and your too young! bllah blahh blahh!

    I started to wear makeup at the age of eight and I heard it all let me tell you!!! but, I didn't listen to anyone because I figured it's my face and I will do what I want to with it!! lol. You are not wearing much at all so I do not think it's too much. I do not wear make-up well foundation or cover up anymore because it is bad for your skin, but I have always held on to my trusty black eyeliner! I think it define's the shape of the eye as long as you do not put too much on it will look good. You are a smart girl just stay away from the goopy and stinky foundation stuff it is so nasty and you do not want to make your young skin old!

  7. Stay young while you can!

  8. no. it seems reasonable.

  9. YES

  10. When I was 10 I didn't wear any make up.

  11. A ten year old should not be wearing make-up.

  12. a 10 year old shouldn't even know what make up is.

  13. GIRL! u getting too hooked up with the teenz nowadays..u too young! wait for maybe 3 years then ya'll cans start..."kids these dayz"

  14. Yes. You don't need it.

    Enjoy being a kid, 'cause it doesn't last much longer.


  15. Well, I was gonna attempt to lecture you about how 10 year olds shouldn't even dare put make up on their faces, because they are far too young to even be phased by their looks.

    A "little" (exaggeration on LITTLE) is fine.  Just, really, don't overdo it :)  You're too young to be worrying about appearance, anyway.

  16. ANY makeup is too are still a CHILD in ELEMENTARY school. Wait until 8th or 9th grade to even begin experimenting with makeup, otherwise you will be on here in 2 years saying older guys keep making passes at you and you will be complaining about it.

  17. yeah hun that might be a too much for a ten year old.  

  18. no way you shouldnt wear make up at 10 or 11  its WAY WAY WAY too young    promise me you will not wear make up now  please i can imagine alot of people will argee with me  

  19. yes, you are only 10 years old.

  20. it depends how thick you put it on. if its just light then i dont see a problem, but probably just dont wear it to school. i loved make-up at your age 2 and now im 22 :)

  21. Don't wear any...

    Just get some shiny clear lip gloss, that's just right for a ten year old


  22. as soon as i read the question i was going to say any amount is too much.

  23. Yes. Makeup on a 10 year old looks really bad.  

  24. u dnt need make-up ur tooooo young lol

  25. any makeup is too much for a 10 year old.  

  26. Uhhhh, a 10 year old shouldn't be wearing ANY makeup.

  27. Yes, I think so. Maybe try some flavored, clear lip gloss instead?

  28. I'm going to say no make-up for a ten year old. But here's a tip anyway. If you look like Snoopy, bad move.  

  29. Yes it's too much unless you wanna attract some 40 yr old pervert

  30. 10 year olds shouldn't really be wearing makeup!

  31. when i was 10 i was worried about barbies makeup not mine

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