
Is this too soon for our wedding?

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My boyfriend recently proposed to me in the mist original way I have seen or heard of.

We want a really short engagement and have settled on eloping. Is a week or two too short for us to wed? We also want our 12 best friends of 12 years to be there. Should they attend our wedding or not?




  1. Most states require you to get a marriage license so, depending on where you live, it may not be possible to get married in a week or 2.

    Yes you can invite your friends- if you're eloping in a different state though, you may need to give them some notice so they can take time off work or organize travel arrangements. 2 could act as your witnesses!

    If you're wanting to have anything such as a wedding dress, cake, flowers, etc. I'd give yourself more than a week to do this.  

  2. I'm sorry, but you really don't give much detail here.

    I'm curious as to how long you two have been together and what the rush is to get married.  Why not just enjoy being engaged for a bit?

    I have no issue if people want to elope.  It's a matter of whatever works for you and your fiancee.  Keep in mind if you are eloping, you waive the right to have all the big parties and big wedding.  You are opting to have a small out of the way quick ceremony with only a couple of witnesses.  That includes having that large of a number of friends present.

  3. Eloping is running away in secret to get married, so no one else knows.

    Perhaps you are thinking of a destination wedding....

    I'd sure want my family at my wedding!

    If you've been dating seriously for at least two years, then by all means get married. It doesn't matter how long you have known each other.

    Is there a reason for the hurry, though....?

  4. I don't think you will be able to obtain your marriage licence that quick. I'm in australia and it takes a full calendar month here to obtain one.  

  5. Well, if you're going to elope, then you'd best not drag your friends into it and just do it with only the two of you.

    And 'a week or two too short'; do you mean that you guys have only gone out for a week or two and he already proposed?! Because that sounds.. pretty fast D: but hey, what ever makes you happy.

    Oh, but uh, if you mean for the arrangements and stuff, then yeah, that seems pretty short, but something should work out, I suppose.

  6. If you have the option, I would push it back to about a month.  This will ensure that you can meet all of the licensing requirements in your state (some require an application period, blood testing, etc).  It will also make it more likely that your best friends will be able to attend.  Just make sure that it is alright with the courthouse that you have guests.

  7. I would choose a month engagement for licensing, blood testing, and scheduling (if they work, they may need more than two weeks notice to get off, and you both may need that time as well). Congrats =]

  8. i'm in pennsylvania, and it took me... 3-4 days to obtain one. we went down on a monday, and by thursday they called me having it. i didn't have to take a blood test (they stopped that like 10+yrs ago)... i went to the courthouse and asked the front desk where to go to get one, and i sat at a desk with my fiance and they asked lots of questions... mainly about the family. where mom grew up, your grandparents address, what school they went too, whats their bday, etc..same with my hubby. if you have a general idea, then they'll work with it... i dont know why a month for some answers? ours was quick. they'll ask when u wanna marry too...and they can sometimes put a rush on it.. :)

  9. I think that is a bit short notice to expect guests to come. It sounds romantic, but you may hurt a lot of peoples feelings by doing this. It is OK to limit the guest list, but you may want to give yourselves some time to get over the initial rush of emotions that comes with becoming engaged. It may lead to you doing something you regret once you have come down to earth. I would give it at least a month.

    dlb_blair is right, check into your state lawas before getting your heart set on the super-short engagement, it may be impossible to do it where you want.

  10. i dont see the point in rushing it. you are determined to marry so its just a matter of days or weeks until it happens. you want to look back on this day and be overjoyed right so include ur best friends if thats what you want so you dont have any regrets. just cuz ur engaged doesnt mean you have to get married immediately.  

  11. You can get married whenever and wherever you want to, if you want to get married tomorrow, go for it!  As long as you've met the legal requirements to be married, there's nothing stopping you.

    As far as wanting your friends and family there, that's another thing.  You can certainly tell them about getting married in 2 weeks (which is Labor Day weekend in the US) and invite them to attend, but more than likely they already have plans.  

    And, no matter when you get married, you can only invite people to come.  The only people who SHOULD be there are you, the groom, the officiant and 2 witnesses (for legalities sake).  Everyone else is extra, and not required.  So invite whomever you'd like, but realize that depending on how much notice you give people, they may or may not be able to make it.  Sometimes you can give people a year's notice, and they won't be able to make it.  Just remember the important people are you and your groom, and your marriage.  

    Good luck!

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