
Is this totally illegal on the guys part?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I was 16 I had s*x with a boy in a different school. He was 18. I was peer pressured into it. His friend who I was friends with pressued me into having s*x with them both. Im sure he has had with someone underage before me. At the time I didnt want to get the people in trouble but now I do. I kinda of want to bring him to justice but I have a few qustions. I am now 17 1/2. I Could have also gotten preg. cause we had unprotected-s*x.

E-mail me if you want more detail.

1). Can get he charged with anything?

2). How do I talk to my parents about it?

Oh and its happend in OC.CA




  1. Since you were 16 and technically consented even if it was because you felt pressure (if you didn't say no or try to stop it then it was basically consent) so I doubt that any charges would stick

  2. Move's a little late.

  3. ***** stop bragging about how you lost it at 16 on that dudes post. ya, i seen it you're just a w***e who can't handle peer pressure stop trying to get these dudes in trouble

  4. you would kinda flippin know if you were prego by now thats like 2 yrs in you would have had the should have delt with it them rather than waiting...if you were such a puss to listen to peer pressure and then do it and then be dumb enough to not use protection thats your own fault and let him live his life and live yours it is really worth it to go through all that trouble..go to court waste that money and put this person on the s*x offender list for the rest of his life?!?!?!?

  5. Sweetie sorry but you never said you were force just peer pressured that won't hold up in court

  6. no

    that was legal.  if he was 19 at the time, it would've been illegal.

    "The age of consent is 18, with a misdemeanor if the minor has 3 or less years of difference with the major."

  7. That's considered rape if you said no and even if you had consented it's still illegal because he was over 18 at the time. If you're doing this for revenge however, that's wrong on your part.

  8. no move on

  9. Should have said no to peer pressure then!

    Even though you didn't want it you obviously gave your consent so just learn from your mistakes and be more sensible (i'd also get checked for any std's after having unprotected s*x with 2 guys!)

  10. I`m confused how you found this guy your "friend". I have guy friends and they don't pressure me into s*x!

    and the legal age I`m pretty sure is 16 in most areas.

    and just saying hey this was peer pressure won't really be taken seriously in court.

    I suggest you find better friends first off.

    and 2nd, it would be smart to get an adult/teacher/counseler to discuss this with. none of us really know the whole situation and it be best to talk with them. They probably know what to do anyways.

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