
Is this trade worth it in the long run?

by  |  earlier

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i give up brendan harris (backup SS) for jay bruce. i do need some help in the OF. im in a 20 team mixed league. what do you think?




  1. I cant believe you have to ask take Bruce.

  2. that would be the dumbest thing if you didnt do it. heartbeat second i would do it. especially for your noname backup ss...

  3. Definately b/c if harris is ur bakup u dont reely need him and bruce rite now is hot

  4. definitely- bruce is way better

    accept the trade before the other guy changes his mind.

  5. Jay Bruce looks to be a top 15 hitter in fantasy baseball, Brendan Harris is a serviceable shortstop but doesn't put up the stats or have anywhere the celling of Jay Bruce.

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