
Is this trifectra of African American celebrity deaths odd?

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So when Isaac Hayes died so soon after Bernie Mac I thought, jokingly, who will the third be? Having heard years ago that celebrity deaths happen in threes. Low and behold Le Roi Moore dies. Is this odd trio of passings raising anyone else's eyebrows?

Let me say, before I start getting livid answers, that all these men were very talented and I mean no disrespect to their legacy.




  1. not to be flippant, but i wonder what samuel l. jackson was thinking after the deaths of his two co-stars occurred within a few days of each other...

    it is a very odd occurence, one of those freak things that happens.

  2. Why is it odd?  Celebrities usually die by the same rules the rest of us do.  

  3. so you think since there "celebritys"

    there not human anymore

  4. It isn't as odd to me as it is sad kiddo.  While I truly believe it to be nothing more than a coincidence, I too have heard the old adage, everything happens in threes, I didn't know of Le Roi Moore's passing until your post.  As a long time fan of the instrument he seemed to play like no one else, I really think him to be somewhat responsible for more kids wanting to pick one up and learn to play it.  The families of all three of these talented men are suffering a huge loss at this time, as are many long time fans.   My heart goes out to them.  

    Ciao Bella! Jen

  5. Not odd, just tragic.  

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