
Is this true, i'm really scared?

by  |  earlier

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since i moved in wit my bf i have had twoo urinary tract infections, we have been living together bout a year yesterday this lady told me that if i frequent uti's i may have alot of trouble getting pregnant, is that true? i never had kids b4, and she said that if i use birth control for a long time b4 having kids, may not be able to have non at all, or take a very long time! i been using birth control for almost a year should i do?




  1. It depends. If you've been on it for a real long time it may just take longer before it gets out of your system.

    It took me 18 months, I had been on it for over 10 years, and I mostly blame the depo-provera shots for this long delay.

    It doesn't work like that for all girls tho --some even get pregnant ON birth control if they forget a pill or two, so...

  2. whatever the lady said is just bullsh*t, but you should do a medical checl-up just in case, wouldnt hurt..!!!

  3. Take it easy . Peace

  4. i think this lady is crazy because birth control should last only as long as you take it...

  5. UTI's won't stop you from getting pregnaunt.  birth control (when you're off of it) won't stop you from gettng pregnaut; but it may take a little longer, like a few months, until your body gets used to not bein on birth control  

  6. You never know.

  7. uhh I don't think the birth control one is true and even if it is, you've only been using it for a year so you're fine.  the Uta's, you should have a doctor look at that when you decide to have a baby so that it doesn't interfere when you do get pregnant  

  8. ask your doctor?

  9. let faith decide..

    Mine please;...

  10. there's no answer better than a doctor baby. please go see one for your health

  11. oh, that's not true! i've been on bc for 9 years now. my dr. said it has no influence on future pregnancy. as far as the utis go, i'm not sure. i wouldn't think that would have anything to do with pregnancy. sounds like you've talked to someone that likes thinking they know everything, but they don't. don't worry about it.

  12. Using birth control for a year will not stop you from having a baby. But use it for 20+ years then it might.

  13. stop use them use condom to be safe

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