Nostradamus's most chilling Prophecies They end of the world is less them two month way Nostradamus' the most respected and accurate seer in history, maade that chillingly precise prophry privtely to his secretary Jean-Aimee Chvigny, on the night of June 22,.1565, just a litter more than a year before his death Chavigny recorded the momentous prediction in his jourmal, which is being translated into english by professor University in England.Dobbs admits he was stunned when he read the dte and realized how few days remain before the world s we have know it vanishes in a cosmic conflgration. The sheer Vanity of all humn endeavor hit me like an exploding bomb; the scholar says "if Nostradamus' is right ,we're wasting our time on politics , ecconomics and science. We have accmplished all we re going to accomplish, The only task that has ny relevnce for humanity is the salvation of our immort souls. the day of judgment is just weeks away the end of time would come amid rainoffire