
Is this true? U.S. embassy will not help you if you are in trouble in your homeland?

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I once heard that if you get in any sort of legal trouble back in your homeland (country of birth) ....regardless of whether you are a U.S. citizen or not....America will NOT help you. Is this true?

If so, what is this policy called? Where can I find more information on it?




  1. It depends...

    If you violate the laws of that country, nobody can interfere and you deserve it.

    BTW, do you expect people to treat you like God just because you are US citizen?

  2. US embassies provide limited assistance to individuals in foreign countries who are traveling on US passports.  Limitations are based on both host country and US law and associated legal constraints, staffing limitations, and common sense.  The Foreign Service Officers and other embassy personnel are not designated as policemen, lawyers, bankers, surrogate parents/spouses, money lenders, truant officers, substance abuse therapists, marriage counselors, or any of a host of other professions that some people expect when they turn to the embassy for assistance.

    See the following site for one example of assistance provided by an American Citizen Services section at a US embassy:

    As far as providing assistance to non-US citizens, there are even more restrictions.  Situations are handled on a case by case basis.

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