
Is this true? You can see a cross in a teardrop?

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I don't know if this a bunch of baloney, but someone told me that if you look at a teardrop underneath a microscope, you can see a cross, which is supposed to mean that the Lord is with you in your time of grief...?? Is this just another myth from extremely religious people?




  1. It's just a myth, much like rainbows are God's promise to never again flood the earth.

    We now know it is just light refracting through water droplets.  

  2. It's a myth. Having looked at tears under a scanning electron microscope, I can firmly tell you that it's more like a Star of David (though far from the actual symbol, and nothing like two triangles).

    Incidentally, we were looking for the salt ions as part of a chemistry class.

  3. You can decide for yourself for most of these claims simply by breaking them down logically:

    1) tears are almost exactly like regular water, except they contain small amounts of various other chemicals, one of which is like salt (which we know from tasting tears)

    2) regular water doesn't form "crosses" at any level (microscopic or not)

    3) the surface of round water droplets distorts reflected lights, and may create a "lens flare"/"sparkle" type of effect

    4) people often mistake one thing (e.g. light sparkle on a water drop) for another (e.g. "cross" on a teardrop) because of their pre-existing beliefs (e.g. wanting desperately to believe God exists/cares about humans)

    Seems like baloney.

  4. your a little right and a little wrong.  there are type of tear drop shaped crystal which do show a cross or a five point star when held up to the light, so shining light through a tear drop could make a cross but i can assure you it has nothing to do with God

  5. Definitely a myth, there is no Lord.

    and it's bologna*

  6. Yes this is complete rubbish.  If you look at a tear under a microscope, you will see that it is saltwater.  Sorry to disappoint you.

  7. sometimes the myths sound good

    wouldn't that be cool if it were


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