
Is this true about Australian girls/wives?

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  1. that's stupid Australian women are not mindless fools

  2. Looks like rubbish to me.

    One example of why:

    Greg Norman dumped his wife for Chris Evert.

    So, why would anyone listen to Greg Norman about how much he respects his wife or her opinions?

  3. It seems to me that the first quotes pretty much reflect what any modern, educated woman throughout the world would say regardless of  what country she's from.

    The comments (on the Russian wife selling website) reflect a pre-70s view of how women should put up with anything that is dished out by their husbands - thank goodness we've all advanced from there.

    The day of the little wifey being a subservient  doormat are long gone and both men and women are better for it.

  4. what a load of c**p

  5. No offense, but that is the most idiotic article I think I have ever read in my life. I'm American, and that sounds like a load of c**p. If you think that being with a woman that said the first quotes is bad, you better lower YOUR expectations-no one is perfect.

  6. That is the biggest load of sh*t that I have read and I stopped halfway through. If someone expects a woman let alone a Australian woman to act like in the article is in for a rude awaking.

  7. No, it's hilarious, it's so wrong. Where did they get this info for the "top ten" reasons? Nothing is sited, so someone pulled it out of his a$$. It is totally out of touch with reality. My grandmother was Australian. She was a brilliant writer who stayed with her disgusting abusive husband until the day she died. How's that for putting your husband above everything else? It's not such a good thing, so if that site is bragging, they're doing a c**p job of it.

  8. No, it's not true. Not all Australian women (or men, for that matter) behave and think the same way, therefore it's impossible to pigeonhole them.

  9. I've bookmarked this page because I find it very interesting. I'll get back to you with an answer. x

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