
Is this true about Britain?

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I have the perception that UK is a paradise with happy and rich people enjoying their lucky lives... Everything is easy, getting a job, buying a house, or a car, travelling and so on.

Am i wrong?





  2. you are wrong

  3. I don't know yet...

    But I hope I could..........

  4. Wow, where is that happening over here? I want some.

  5. No, no, no it's an awful place, scruffy foul mouthed drunk and drug addicted kids, even worse parents, crime ridden streets. Not a lot of difference than America.


  6. Yes it;s all true, come to Britain. My friends at Immigration will offer you comfortable accommodation,

  7. haha. anyway come on, you put this in the sociology section so u know the answer is "it depends on who you are"!

  8. yes

  9. Correct.

  10. Yes there are a lot of rich people but also a lot of poor people, the grass is always greener on the other side.

  11. Your very wrong - the strets are not paved with gold either.

    we are taxed to the limits with nothing to show for it, my partner has been unable to find a job for 9 months, i'm 27 and still cant afford my own house and i dont know where i will get the money to tax my car next month. AND I WORK FULL TIME!

  12. That's the perception UK has of such places as California, USA or even Israel -- or Saudi Arabia.  The UK is a hard place to live.  You have to be willing to work very hard - or exploit those who work very hard - in order to survive the way you think you should be surviving.

    Jokes aside, nothing is easy in life.  It doesn't matter where you live and breathe.  You can only make a difference and make yourself and perhaps others happy - in an ideal egalitarian communistic world - if you make the effort and educate others of your dreams.

    All working together as equals. A unity.

    The rich elite, of all countries, won't allow this though because otherwise they would not be rich and elite - because they would be equals to the egalitarian community.  They'd rather be above you little people.

  13. There is no place in the world which is the happy paradise you describe.

    Every country in the world has rich and poor and have some kind of problems.  The UK is no different.

    However, life in the UK (like most developed countries) might be described to be easier than in some other countries in the world.

    By the way, the UK has one of the longest working weeks in Europe.  Largely, the UK was built on the ethic of hard work and hard graft.

    When I lived in the UK, I worked very hard and played very hard!

    Buying a house and car is getting increasingly difficult these days.

    However, people in the UK are very, very lucky in many ways.



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