
Is this true about a certain reverend?

by  |  earlier

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Rev. Kip hates those atheist swine

Their existance are signs of end times

But ol Kip has a secret

To himself he keeps it

Cause his family tree is a straight line




  1. Your poem could be better done

    Your rhymes are both false and undone

    Your meter's not sweeter

    oh atheist bleater

    Though poor Kip you are trying to stun.

  2. *Snickers* Last line's beautiful.

  3. lol.  Now make a limerick about prepubescent girls, stalking and clergy pretention.  ;)


  4. Yes.

    Did you get the memo from Lord Sesshomaru, where he was posting on p**n-site and was describing him self and his wife ´´doing it´´ as a cowboy girl, or a nurse and was soliciting another chick, to join them?

    What a sicko he is..

  5. Lol Yea.

  6. There once was a dirty old troll

    Who was surrounded by religion, young girls and bull

    His name was Rev. Kip

    He was quite a sh*t

    And prepubescent girls made him give his johnson a pull

  7. Thats what happens when you follow the bible. They were screwed from the word go.

  8. Best limerick ever... LOL

  9. Lol.

  10. Don't know, and don't wanna know.

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