
Is this true about co-sleeping?

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My friend said that when you are co-sleeping you can't take drugs which is fine but does that include medication? I'm not sure about it. I want to do it but don't really know if i should. What if i get sick and need to take some medication? Where would the baby sleep? In between me and my husband or at the side of me? And I heard babies can overheat.




  1. Sleeping with your baby isn't a good idea anyways.  I know that you would never roll on the baby, but it puts a strain on your s*x life and you dont sleep as well because you can't move freely in your sleep.  Also if you or your husband are smokers it can up your childs chances of SIDS.  Most matresses also arn't firm enough for babies, they need a really firm flat sleeping area, to avoid SIDS.  It can also lead to problems getting your kid to sleep alone when they are older, and when your child can crawl you dont want them to crawl out of bed and get hurt!  If you still want to though, no you should not take medicine, unless you consult your doctor first!

  2. It does include over the counter medications that can make you drowsy.  I co-slept with my preemie daughter and honestly I was more aware of my surroundings than when she was not in bed with me.  Now that she is 5 she sometimes has to sleep with me when she is sick.  God Bless!

  3. That does include prescription and over the counter medication that might make you sleepy.  Personally, I don't think co-sleeping is a good idea.  An occasional nap, or after an early morning feeding is one thing, but not all the time.  

  4. You can't take anything that makes you drowsy such as sleep medication or antihistamines.  You would weigh the benefits of the medication to you against the risks to your baby if you co-sleep or the trauma to you and baby if you suddenly make baby sleep alone.  

    I can't take antihistamines nor most meds that make you drowsy and I managed to live this long.

    Some husbands can not be aware enough to allow a baby to sleep in the middle, in which case you need baby to sleep on the side.  However on the other hand most moms shift baby back and forth on different nights or to nurse in different positions.

    Babies are more likely to overheat alone.

    Why babies should never sleep alone: A review

    of the co-sleeping controversy in relation to SIDS,

    bedsharing and breast feeding

  5. It does include over the counter medication. The advice i got when i gave birth was not to sleep with my baby unless there was only me and the baby in bed and if i wasn't over tired. What mum of a tiny baby isn't over tired? Seeing as my husband shares my bed and because of the risks of babies overheating in between us, we decided not to co-sleep. Also, we did co-sleep with my son and it was a very difficult habit to break.  

  6. I'd get a bedside co-sleeper, or attach the crib to your side of the bed in a sidecar arrangement.

    That way if you need to take some medications that you can do so and not worry.

    I did both.  I had the babies in bed and I had them in the sidecar.  Both worked fine.

  7. You want to be careful with any medication that cause excessive sleepiness or confussion. Other than that I can't imagine a medication that would cause any co-sleeping problems.

  8. If the medication makes you sleepy than it's unsafe. If it's some tylenol, it's ok.

    My son sleeps between hubby & I. With this hot weather he sleeps in nothing but his diaper.

    Sometimes we go out & have some drinks, when we do that my son sleeps in his pack n play, just to be safe.

    Good Info on Co-sleeping--

    God Bless

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