
Is this true about hearing aids?

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That you cannot hear everything you really want to hear?

If so, then why do we wear them? They don't seem to be helping me just recently, I've cleaned my ears, changed the volume, changed the batteries.




  1. They are a pain and far from perfect, but the key thing is to keep wearing the darned thing to 'learn' how to hear with it. Takes some getting used to!

  2. My bf doesn't wear his hearing aids because he hates them so much. He just practices more with tuning into whatever he is listening and texts a lot more than using phone calls. Maybe you can go back to your doctor and see if you should get different ones.

  3. I don't know about that but I went to hospital for hearing test they said I needed hearing aid  they took measurements and said they would be in touch18months later I had call to go and collect it went and they fitted it in but I kept having trouble as the bit at back kept falling forward so I went back to Hospital they said they would shorten the tube but it probably would not do anything as .They were not designed to fit behind ears. I came away and have not bothered since its still in box

  4. There many different reasons for hearing loss and deafness. Some types are much more responsive to hearing aids than others. There are also many different types of hearing aids and some work with some kinds of hearing loss and not with others. For most people there is an adjustment period of getting used to them before they work optimally.

    I don't use them because the volume of some sounds was too loud and other sounds almost disappeared.  

  5. You may need to have a consultation with your doctor as you could need a more suitable hearing aid.  There are many different new types on the market.

  6. A hearing aid does not make it possible for you to hear again, it cannot restore your lost hearing. It merely enables the hearing ability that to have left, to be amplified, making the sounds you can hear louder.

  7. a hearing aid can only amplify what's already there (it's not a new ear) and your ear relies on many different frequencies to put together a whole picture. More often than not it's the higher frequencies that are missing or diminished. A hearing aid can't give you what you haven't got and it can't selectively amplify individual frequencies with any great effect. So what happens very often is that it amplifies the lower frequencies mostly at the cost of the middle and higher frequencies (which don't respond so well, hence masking them) and can sometimes make you feel even deafer. It's a bit like if you haven't tuned the radio in properly and then think it's going to sound better if you turn the volume up. Generally you'll hear what you're already hearing, but louder (with the higher frequencies still missing)... it won't make you hear more. (the ear's an immensely complicated and delicate thing. It's almost impossible to repair an ear whereas eyes can often be corrected. Glasses can give you new eyes! hearing aids can't give you new ears).

    I've got a hearing aid and I rarely use it. The only time I use it is when I want to feel balanced rather than expect to hear everything. I need glasses as well now.... feel like I'm falling apart.

  8. oh yeah i totally agreed with you! I have hear-aid for many many years like about 10 years and it still not help me to be able to hear what it says or what is this sound come from. I only can hear the sound... that's all

  9. hearing aids improve hearing but don't totally make up for hearing loss.  The technology is improving a lot and they work better than they did just a few years ago.  An expert audiologist is a big help in getting the right choice and learning to use it well

  10. I wear two aids and they just help me hear, but they don't make my hearing normal like a normal person with good hearing. I still have to read lips.

  11. ya itz true!  

  12. You should talk with your audiologist and tell him/her what is going on. Hopefully your audiologist can correct what is going on so you can begin to use your hearing aids successfully.    

  13. Perhaps you should get your hearing checked again. It's possible your level of hearing has changed so your current hearing aids may not be suitable for you now. My son is deaf & his hearing has decreased over the years.

    Hearing aids will never give you full hearing but they do assist. If you really feel they don't do any good for you then don't wear them. My son only wears one because in his words "My left ear's f****ed so why bother?". ☺

    It's worth having a chat with your audiologist though.

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