
Is this true about running daily??

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I read that if you run daily around the same amount (or jog) it won't help your body at all because your body gets used to it.... Is that true? Because I jog every morning along the beach with my mom, and if it doesn't even help me at all...... Wellll is it?

Thanks in advance =).




  1. Thats not true. Daily exercise keeps you in shape. I dare you to stop running and see what happens. Running keeps your body tone, burns calories, and helps with your breathing.  

  2. it'll help you maintain your weight. if you stop running you'll notice a difference for the bad.

  3. No, your body will continue to get better at the same workout until it reaches a peak. And then, it will stay at the same fitness level. Don't do the workout, and you will lose the fitness. If you want to increase fitness, changeup your workout and make it more challenging. Either faster, farther, hill workout, wind resistance... something.

  4. It will continue to help your body compared to if you didn't do it at all.

    From a general running training standpoint, however, it's better for your body to have its routine changed up so it doesn't simply adapt to a single workout and nothing else.

    If you want to markedly improve as a runner, do some racing, etc., you should probably vary speed and distance (and route?) more than you're doing currently.

    If you'd generally like to maintain fitness and health and what you're doing currently is a convenient thing for you, don't worry about it. (If you can still *occasionally* get some variety in though, it's a bonus.)

  5. well after a while ur gonna feel its easy but that just means ur getting in better shape and its time to push it a little farther. ur body might get used to it but that doesnt mean its not keeping u in shape. so keep it up!

  6. well, eventually you will reach a prime condition, if you really want to get better i'd recommend going further or faster..  

  7. Yes, if you run everyday your body will begin to assume it as a daily routine and you won't get any help for your body from it. My dad used to work at Marathon (the oil company) and he had to walk around the whole plant everyday and his body soon became accustomed to it. Now, he works for a company for Marathon and he only walks around somedays therefore he gets more exercise! I know it's very confusing but I really don't know how to explain how your body is trained like that.

  8. I really doubt that but then again it wouldn't be bad to push yourself a little further.

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