
Is this true for employment in uk or not

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Is this true for employment in uk or not




  1. What is true or not?

  2. Is what true?

    Ta for the two points!

  3. what true? could be..if you asked a proper question

  4. .Yes, we are all psychic.

  5. ..Nothing is TRUE in this world...!


  6. Could be.

  7. nice question. Next !

  8. Is what true?

  9. Ahh if you're gonna ask no question may as well get another 2 points seeing as I bothered to open it lol.

  10. yes it is true that all people who get employed in the uk have magic powers.

  11. I don't know if it's true or not until you tell me the question, but I'll have my two points anyway.

    It's going to be a h**l of a challenge for you to pick the best answer when there isn't even a question.

  12. what?

  13. Maybe, maybe not.. is what true?..

  14. Yes, it's true that you need to make yourself understood in order to be employed. Not sure if you qualify. Probably not.

  15. and what is the question?

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