
Is this true girls??

by  |  earlier

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is there such thing as breast enlarging pills?

i was told..




  1. yeah probably.

    but they dont work...

  2. try birth control lol

  3. There are lots of products that help breast growth. For example there's gum, which I heard helps a little but doesn't add much, and the F Cup Cookie, which I've heard from a friend does wonders, but is only available in Japan.  

  4. no who ever told u that was lying, cause millions of girls that would want larger breast would be taking them (if they work, ) instead os plastic surgery .. =D

  5. They exist, from what I've read they don't work very well.... I'd avoid 'em, you don't want to put junk in your body =(

  6. Well, birth control ups estrogen.

    And I know that male-to-female transsexuals, with the injection of estrogen, develop b*****s.

    But other than that, I dunno.

    Big b***s can look kind of scary if you ask me. Smaller chicks are cute.

  7. Paxil

  8. The only pills that have the possibility of enlarging your breast that I know of is the birth control pill! Really it just gave me a fuller cup, didn't up the cup size though! Its nice but probably not the results your looking for! Anyway it must be prescribed by a doctor!
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