
Is this true???!!..i just read it on the net?

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Women's brains are smaller than men's brains by an average of about 12 per cent




  1. Quantity not quality dear

  2. I've heard that many men carry their brains in their trousers, which would make women's brains about 80% bigger than most mens...


  3. right or wrong...we men  the above type

  4. Yes, it's true that women have smaller brains, we have smaller heads.  The brain needs to fill up the crainium and if men and women had the same size brain, then we'd have to have the same size head.  Studies have shown that size of brains does not matter when dealing with intelligence, the thing that matters are the folds in the brain.  What studies have typically shown is that brains that are more folded and wrinkled tend to belong to intelligent people, as the folds add to the surface area of the brain.  So don't worry, having a smaller brain doesn't mean men are smarter than you, just means they have bigger heads.

  5. Yes, in comparison that's a true fact. But did you know that women are able to use their brain more effectively than men?

    There are studies that confirm this too.

  6. I have read that, but also that women use more different parts of their I guess it evens out.

  7. Yes, men & women are different and this includes their brain structure. Even taking into account body weight the male brain is slightly larger than the female brain, but is somewhat more specialized, thus making it harder for males to multitask, as the female is likely to do with ease. Male brains tend to be better at abstract spacial conception than the female brain, but these are only general terms. Left & right brains of the female have far more connections than the male brain, again, in general.

    Chuckle, I'm an engineer, you need a neurosurgeon to answer you.

  8. Almost all studies show that at birth, a boy's brain is bigger than a girl's brain. At birth, the average brain of boys is between 12-20% larger than that of girls. The head circumference of boys is also larger (2%) than that of girls. However, when the size of the brain is compared to body weight at this age, there is almost no difference between boys and girls. So, a girl baby and a boy baby who weigh the same will have similar brain sizes.

  9. Yes, I think that is true, but since men barely use theirs, it all evens out :p

  10. Yes this is true, over all women are smaller than men, but this does in no way mean men are smarter!

  11. the size doesn't count

  12. Another case of "size doesn't matter" LOL!

  13. neverwhere11 - an average is a number (a single number) so it cant vary, 11-20%? what does average 11-20% mean?

  14. The observations are related to the quantity but not to the quality,

  15. yes coz men's skulls are bigger

    but it got nothing to do with intelligence

  16. Yes, and then again, woman brain is not working and wired the same way as a man brain... So do not mean anything...

  17. I would be very wary of a number as large as 12%, but the important thing to remember is that raw brain size isn't what's important. Brain-to-body ratio, the size of your brain compared to the size of your whole body, is much more important. Women's bodies are, on average, more gracile than men's. So pound for pound, so to speak, their brains are as large as men's.

    The human brain-to-body ratio is pretty constant, even if actual brain and body sizes tend to vary.

  18. welcome to the world!

  19. h**l if you believe everything on the net, then my Ex is a living Saint.


  20. it would make sense

    lol - no i dont mean like that

    i mean women are generally smaller than men, they have smaller skulls, so perhaps they do have slightly smaller brains

  21. Considering that women are an average of 15% smaller than men worldwide, that would mean that proportionately they have bigger brains for their size...

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