
Is this true if it is we are going down as a country?

by  |  earlier

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The other day I read an article about a social services worker who is trying to get some children out of their home because they believe abuse of both physical and sexual abuse is going on in the home. The children are of very young ages. The social worker though is having alot of trouble however. They say in order for a child to be removed from a home the abuse is reported to the social services. Who then take it to the police. WHo then take it before a court. Then the police remove the children from the home. However the police are yet to bring this before a judge.

Can you believe this?If this is true children will be dead before they are removed.




  1. Doh study it, just now is parang season , eid , divali , christmas , old years fete , carnival fete , carnival , a time to chill called lent , easter weekend , then  may have a public holiday , june have 2 , july have none so chill , august have 2 . so with all this merry making , is only when thing quiet  like in july and march u really realised how d people in this country gone thru , actually they really made it. translation =backwardness gone wild. other west indian countries just backward , they doh have money like us to go wild.You ever wondered what becomes of the 5000 UWI grads every year. how come Trinidad still ah say doh study it.

  2. ok ok Lever hush now you confirm it today that you is Roger from another account.

    The Social worker have to really get invovled if he/she cares. Constant follow ups and high lights in the press if you have to.

    Sometimes people need a good kick in the pants to get going.

    Another thing is evidence, you can't just remove children from a home like that. You must have some proof that the abuse did infact take place and that the children are in immediate danger

  3. Do you all know the level of abuse that can be found at chldren homes in this country? I know someone who is a district nurse in d country, and a teacher suspected that a child was being abused, took the child to the health center and they reported it to the police.  The child was returned to the parents.  

    The abuse that the child would suffer at the hands of her father / uncle would be much less than what she would suffer at the hands of lawd knows how many men at the home. what would you prefer?

    Yes we have a lot of issues in this country, but unfortunately its simply more humane to leave the child where they are.  (Lord forgive for saying that!)

  4. You know, I don't like commenting on these kinds of topics because it really ignites anger and frustration in me. And then all kinds of WHY?? questions does come in meh head. And, recently....I was watching the Tobago Heritage Festival on TV and a little play was going on about a birth of a "pickney". What struck me was the "It Takes the whole village to raise a child". Words or truth and an unfortunate loss in this country. Our society has become so corrupt and self indulged and moraless....what does it leave for our children. And why do the people who are willing to help and do something good have to be the ones that ketching they neh neh for assistance because we too proud and find they shouldn't be medling in other people business. These are our children, they are our business because they are the future. The nation has become intoxicated with wine and jam and western culture and is to h**l with what is right and wrong. (I will be the first to admit that I love this place and I does go fete and drink etc...but I will also say that if I see something going on that is wrong, better believe that I not going to sit down and do nothing bout it).

    Well, you see....ah was really avoiding answering to this question because ah know meh passions.....and this is one. So ah putting restraint on meh self and ah go stop now before ah write the book.

  5. Yup! This country ain't sweet anymore!

    Since Hope died, there is no more hope left in Trinidad =(

    We are now in a really sad state & it's only getting worst.

    Bring back the ole time days...........................

  6. Well the Police Officer has another option - they can go to a Justice of the Peace and swear to an interim order that will permit the Police to remove the children from the home as it is a potentially unsafe place -

    however sometimes the Officer doesnt believe the complainants/social worker for whatever dumbass reason OR may actually know the parents on a personal level ( this is just speculation on my part)-  the social worker and those who care about the kids (neighbours/teacher and the like ) ought to keep rerporting it to the Police Station or try headquarters or some other police station -

    it is sad and hence we should all lobby for a Child Welfare/Child Protective Services Unit that are empowered to tactfully and intelligently deal with child abuse situations...

  7. I do believe we are spiralling downwards....

    the government is a mjor cause of this (both previous AND current)

  8. It's sad for the children that have to go through that and it makes me sick to think that something could happen in that time period.

    Just like the book "The Child Called It, By David Pelzer"

    Makes me sick =[

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