
Is this true? is there any lottery like this??????

by  |  earlier

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Gulf Oil & Gas Companies

Corporate Headquarters, Ireland.

TEL: +447045706225,

P.O.Box 11.


We are delighted to inform you of your prize release on the

Febuary, 2008 from the Gulf Oil & Gas Companies International Lottery

programme. Which is fully

based on an electronic selection of winners using their e-mail


Your email was attached to ticket number; 56475600, serial

number:0360/02. This batch draws the lucky numbers as follows


bonus number 17,which consequently won the lottery in the third


You have been approved a lump sum pay of £1,000,000.00.(ONE Million



Contact the below bank email for winning transfer.

TEL: ++44 704 570 7809,

Direct F




  1. I receive in excess of 10 emails a day promising the above mentioned lottery winnings, It is a scam - does it not stand to reason that if you were in fact the winner of a Million Pounds they would at least have your name (how did they know your email address?)

    It is a scam that if pursued will end up costing you money and quite honestly make you feel like a real twit....

    I cant believe in this day and age the authorities cant track and throw these kind of people straight into JAIL...

  2. strictly a scam.....all legitimate lotteries are government sponsored. they will say they need an bank account to transfer the money to you  and via! they have your bank number

  3. It's a scam, baby.  Sorry.

  4. No, I am sorry but this is spam. I get these types of emails all of the time. Some even claim to come from legitimate companies such as coke, and others. Usually these emails are either contain a virus in the link and or are phishing emails trying to get your personal information.  The number listed above probably goes to some kind of off shore phone company where they can charge you any fee per minute they want. Some of these companies have been known to charge hundreds even thousands of dollars for just a few minutes of talking with someone.

  5. Sorry friend but there is no Microsoft, Yahoo or other e-mail lottery, it's a scam do not answer do not give personal information.The following sites give more information

    .Also If you go to the following site you will get some info on ID theft the iinternet is safe enough if you are careful but please answer nothing that you are doubtful about.Good Luck and be careful

  6. no thats a scam, here is a game where you can win real money-

    the guy who told me is in like 2nd or 3rd place right now.

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