
Is this true or just another ignorant loser?

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My friend says the reason he will never shake hands with a Muslim is because they don't use toilet paper,they use their bare hands. It is against their religion(according to him) I never met a muslim so I have no idea. Is this true or is my friend an idiot?




  1. um.

    yes its a lie.

    muslims are actually encouraged to practice good hygiene and keep themselves clean

  2. Muslims literally bathe 5 times a day for prayer...Muslims use toilet paper and some use water and soap and than toilet paper.

    Your friend is very bored!

  3. if thats true im with your friend  

  4. Actually, the LEFT hand is the 'no-no' hand in the Arab world.  One does not offer anything to another or wave to someone, or even use the THUMBS UP sign (that has a very nasty connotation in the Arab world and in other countries, too).

    Case in point.  When I was stationed on the Flag Ship for the Middle East Forces, USS LaSalle AGF-3 back in 78 - 79, we were in Muscat. Oman (southern tip of the Saudi Arabian peninsula.  We were having an 'under the awning affair.'  This was a big party on the helo deck under a canvas awning.  Many Omani dignitaries where there, including the Omani Minister of Defense, in his long white robes, and jeweled dagger in his belt.  Well, here's Seaman Joe Schmcukatella serving punch.  Most Arabs knew he wasn't being disrespectful using his left hand to hand them the punch after pouring with the ladle using his right comes the MOD and he was HIGHLY insulted and VERY indignant.  He went to another Omani who went to our Admiral who took he young seaman aside.  After that, the seaman would pour AND serve with his right hand, keeping his left hand behind him.

    The reason for the LEFT hand being the no-no hand is because the Bedouins didn't have toilet paper in the desert and thus used their left hand (and thumb) to clean themselves with.  

    Today in the MODERN Arab world, TP is in great supply and is used.  Even for Arabs who are here in the states.

    So, your friend is ignorant of the TRUTH, or you're making the story up (I believe the latter to be true).

  5. Thats ridiculous and you should know its not true

  6. That's a lie. Your friend is very misinformed. In chicago i have gone to school with and work with many Muslims physicians. That is a very silly sentimate.

  7. lol your friend is an idiot.  muslims do use toilet paper.  sounds like your friend either needs an education or an *** kickin.  good luck

  8. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!...

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