
Is this true or not.. what do you guys and girls think?

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I just heard a saying/quote on the radio..

"All men are asses and all women are crazy"

What do you think about that?




  1. LOL.

  2. its not public opinion .i dont like the sound of it.i believe that people r different and have different opinions so its junk  

  3. I don't think "We" women are all crazy. I think we are more emotional than men. We allow these emotions to get the best of us. There are women who are more emotional than others. If you control your emotions better this makes you more mature, if you cannot control your emotions call your bf tons of times per day, egg his car, or do something more stupid, then you haven't learned to control your emotions and that's why you get men who call you "crazy or psycho b****." On the other hand, men are not angels, men are "asses" because they do not seem to notice the emotions of their partner (generally) the mature men are usually happily married, as immature as it might seem, because they still watch cartoons and eat cereal in front of the tv. The immature men are just not noticing their partners emotions and needs, go from one flower to another making the same mistakes until a smart woman changes them or makes them realize that.  

  4. i think for the most part it is completely true lol :P

  5. streotypes streotypes it goes both ways

  6. A popular singer was said, everybody plays a fool sometimes and there is not exception to the rule.I totally aggree with him.

  7. Men AND women are both asses and crazy.  Everybody is different.  Male or Female.  There is everything M and F.

  8. This is just hearsay, if all men were asses then we would all have tails .  And if all women were crazy then there would never be any marriages.

  9. you cant say all men are asses and all women are crazy..for example look at your hand ..."not all of your fingers are the same"

  10. we are asses when women are crazy it's human nature

  11. All real men are crazy about women's asses.

  12. i think its kinda true .


  14. definitely true - but situational.  we all have quirks and work within them for our relationships with each other.  The wording in the quote, I think, is based on the typical response men and women give about each other.  women always think men are asses since we are often offended by them.  men seem to think women are crazy, probably because we're so emotional, but they don't necessarily know how to deal with us.

  15. i think its true it depends on the people. i think if a guy is too much into his looks, he knows it and will be an ***. and women think they need to look good to find happiness. i am not the best looking and have always been the nice guy, not an ***. but i think women  make leaps in their minds that men just cant follow, not totally crazy.

  16. It depends, at more than one point in everyones life (probably day lol) i think i can relate to this...


  17. both guys and girls only think about s*x....

  18. I think who ever said it must be very sad I hope he/she finds people to show them just how untrue it is.

  19. I think we all have our moments.  

  20. Correction:

    "All the men that women perve on and choose because of their looks are asses and all women, especially ones that party too hard are crazy"

    Definately had to change the first bit, I know I'm not an ***.

  21. ok most guys are asses(or act like it) and most girls have bitchy moods, its normal just settle down, its not ture though, with all of the people in the world well over 500,000 men and 500,000 women arent.

  22. i think theres a loop hole in this question....

    what about tranny's?

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