
Is this true ...................?

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the last 20 seconds what he says bout the storm




  1. idk its liek a cat 3 not a 4 like katrina

    but it all depends on what it does right before it hits, it could become a 4-5 right before our eyes. liek it did in the begining

  2. The mayor of NOLA wants to make sure he gets everyone out this time.  So he is using scare tactics to a certain extent.  Looking at Gustav on the NOAA site it is not as big as Katrina, or as well organised.  But it depends on what it does just before it comes ashore.  It could take a swing east or west, and land up coming ashore on the Mississippi Gulf coast as Katrina did.  Katrina caused a lot more devastation in Mississippi than it did to NOLA.  Or it could end up doing more damage to Texas.  And as the NOLA levees are not yet fully repaired the engineers working on them, do think the storm surge could breach them.

  3. Yes, they are saying that this is supposed to be worse then Katrina.  

  4. It is gonna have to get pretty severe pretty fast because its still a catagory 3.

  5. uh, hunney we don't have basements in the south... you would drown in the storm surge.  the water table is about 6 inches below the house.

    we have slabs and stilts and pier and beam construction

  6. He could be right.  Then again, hurricanes always can weaken.  Nobody knows for sure what will happen in the next 24 hours.  I just wish i was there, hunkered down in some basement somewhere.  I love exciting, stormy weather!!!

  7. He might be right. I hope this storm weakens though.

  8. Ya they will arrest who is out.

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