
Is this true that dreams mean something?

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is it true that if you dream that your pregnant 2 years from now you will be?

Or is all of what they about dreams lies?




  1. Sometimes!

    it depends on your dream. Say, if you see a snake bite you in your dream, a snake doesn't necessarily need to bite you in reality. The dream could be interpreting something else that may occur in the future. The snake may be a symbol of a friend who has back-stabbed you. Dreams are symbolic most of the time, so what you see won't exactly happen, but something related to your dream and your life may happen!

  2. yes dreams do mean something and Pregnancy often represents new growth in your life, growing creativity. The baby kicking inside could represent the idea that your creation or creative potential is trying to kick you to get your attention. Focusing on the arm might be a clue for you. An arm might represent something specific for you. What do you think of when you think of an arm? Could it represent using the arm to direct or point or does it represent your creativity? Are you an artist or do you use your arm physically in your hobby or passion such as writing or sports? You must think about this and try to draw your own meaning from it.

    Dreams that you are having a baby, are generally about starting a new chapter in your life, New job, marriage, house. Whatever. The anxiety you feel is reflective of anxiety about starting something new.


  3. Not true.  Dreams don't mean anything most of the time.  They are dreams, not a prediction of the future.

  4. Yes, some dream come true, but after months and years later, it might seem not making sense at that time, but it actually happend, too bad i had problem remember the dream after i wake up, but i remember back when it occur.

  5. i believe  in this because once i had dream that i was on a beach with a girl. My mate had books about dreams and they say what they mean mine  was  i am goin on holiday in the future or i meet a girl. I was going on holiday anywhy and when i was there i ment a girl. Then i brought a book about it if you buy a book it should tell what it mean  

  6. they mean things not just things like what you dreamt but things of a similar nature

  7. It has been PROVEN by doctors that dreams mean something!! Look at a Dream Dictionary if you want to know what some things mean. And to the person who said that you automaticlly become pregnant if you dream that - its wrong!!!!! You can dream that if you don't even have your period and won't have it for two years!! And to a few dummies out there - Yes. You Do have to have your period to get pregnant.

  8. My dreams have never meant anything in my life. I'm not sure about other people but it doesn't seem likely. Try not to get pregnant anytime soon.

  9. i believe that our dreams are a way of digging deep into our subconscious mind. sigmund freud believed something similar. you should look into him although he is not practiced anymore within the field of psychology, his teachings were the foundations for many current practices. also, look at the dream dictionary. good luck!

  10. well  belive that dreams have meaning is widely know

    some cultures belive that dreams are warnings of things to come

    some people belive that dreams is your subconsciousness trying to solve a problem that you consciousness can't

    some people belive that the dream is a reality and what we conceive as a reality is a dream

    some people belive that dreams is a way for the brain to entertain ti self while you sleep

    sigmon freud belived that dreams where a sort of expressions to your emotional problems

    so chose one that suits you and relax a bit

  11. yea dreams can mean different things...just not always out in the obvious things...

  12. most of my dreams are not exact. they give a generalzation about what will happen. like when i was a kid, i dreamed that i was a monster cause i was mad... one year later i find out about the hulk.

  13. No, dreams are nothing more than random firing of a memory in your head. They will not tell you anything you don't already know.

  14. Dreams are just refractions of things already in your brain, things that have already happened, or thought of. Dreams don't mean squat, just like horoscopes.

  15. Dreams are still a mystery. Most of the time they're a mixture of thoughts  that your subconscience fabricates. Sometimes they're like deja vu or even a foresight. You should wiki it.

  16. sometimes its mean something and sometime its just grabs all the events you have had in the pass and make up a dream

  17. Sometime i dream stuff and then soon after it will happen , so I guess that it is possible that they do :)

  18. i think they do mean something but i dont think that if you dream you are pregnant you autimatically become pregnant  

  19. Dreams are not mean to be taken literally in the sense that if you have a dream your going to get pregnant, you will.

    I think that dreams represent our unconscious mind, and repressed thoughts. They can play off our inner desires and regrets, and life expriances. Some also believe, they are connected with our past lives.  



  21. dreams are an extension on your everyday life and always have a meaning although it might not be exactly liike your dream. liike you dreamed of having a baby this could mean in the near future one of your family members or friend is pregnant. it has to relate to something in your liife but it also might not have anything to do with pregnacy. soo think about it and what it could mean and write it down in a journal to see if any of your dreams is related to your everyday liife.  

  22. I only know of one dream that I've found to be interpreted as real.  Anyway when you dream of someone close to you, but they are the opposite s*x or have a s*x change in your dream, it means your going to come into money.  Anyway long story short, my friend had a dream his brother had a s*x change and was telling us about it and this girl that was in a dream interpretation class over heard and looked up what it meant in the book.  So that night 10 of us pitched ten dollars each and bought a bunch of lottery tickets.  We hit for 1200 bucks.  Now whether it was the dream or the fact that we bought 100 dollars worth of tickets is beyond me.  But it was cool anyway.

  23. well there is a certain amount of mysticism surrounding prophetic dreams but for the most part dreams are symbolic. being pregnant may mean you seek fulfillment or love. seeing a person of the opposite s*x, according to Jung, is the male part of your soul.

  24. dreams are kinda made up off all the memories

    u have had thru-out the day or just random stuff happening.

    but if ur dreams show something and it comes true...

    u mite be a psychic..haha idk! :]

  25. I beleive dreams are real and they mean something.  One time, I had a dream about my friend Jenna wearing a green vest and the next day at school, she did. all of my dreams somehow evolve into my life

  26. When i was little i had a dream about a giant red jelly bean attacking me, it never far...

  27. Dreams are your inner conscience communicating to you during your sleep. All dreams have different meanings and symbols have meanings as well. If your pregnant in your dream it doesn't necessarily mean your pregnant. It could mean a new beginning, a new life, you'll meet someone new, or a fresh start.  

  28. When one dreams one is in an Astral state.   Dreams can represent problems and situations relevant to your life or someone in your life! Dreams are all about possibilities what can be or can be how your passed was or how you perceive things were in your past  it is possible you could be pregnant 2 years from now if you don't do anything to prevent that from happen!

  29. no i dont think that if you dream you are pregnant you will become pregnant but there are some dreams that try to tell you stuff like when i was little my cousin had a dream that i died but i didn't i ended up choking that day though and some people say if you dream about fishes then so becomes pregnant but not exactly you

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