
Is this true they can take my kids for this

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my mom told me they can take my 3 kids cause i don't have air in my car.




  1. Um, as long as you aren't keeping your kids in there while you're in the store or something, I don't see a problem with it.

    They can't take your kids away because you don't have a luxury item, as long as all their needs are taken care of.  

  2. lol to the first comment.. i don't think so.  

  3. They can take your three kids if you leave them in the car.

  4. if you are talking about air conditioning , NO they cannot

    air conditioning is a Luxury item. they dont take peoples homes that don't have air installed. I am assuming that you do not leave your children in the the blazing hot car with the windows rolled up , correct.

    I do not know what would prompt her to tell you that.  as long as there is proper ventalation while your babies are riding or seated in the car



  5. it only if you leave them in the car by themsevles with the windows rolled up on a hot day

  6. Lol, I don't think that is true....hundreds of people don't have AC...even some public transportation don't have AC...and anyways...if this was an issue...who would report you? Your mom? I don't see myself checking out cars wondering if they have A/C????

  7. Uh, no.  She's just worried because its so hot out and why would anyone not have air in their car in this heat?  She's just worried about the kids. Make sure you keep the windows down and never ever leave them in the car, even for a minute.  You try sitting in a hot car for 2 minutes with the windows rolled up and see how hard it is for you.  Now think of hard it would be for a little kid.

  8. No hun they cant you open your windows instead

  9. You don't have air conditioning in your car? I don't think they can take your kids for it, but if it is extremely hot outside you should probably try to avoid taking the children out. Call your local DHS or SRS office and ask them... They should be able to tell you.

  10. As long as when u r in ur car and the windows are rolled down; so that your children don't get over heated... they can't do anything to you.

  11. NO not that i have ever heard of But it could be diffent in every state. All you have to do is call the police dp. and ask them if it is a law that you have air in a car if you have kids. If they say yes then they most likely can, if they say no then i don't think that they can ok...... That is the only way that you really could find out orther then call the wal-fare offica and asking a case worker, but if you do that don't give them your name just ask and blook your phone # okay...          

  12. you mean you smoke in the car.

    Drink while you are driving.

    leave your kids unattended in the car.

    your driving behave, you like ot speed and go through red light

    So which one did you do?

  13. A/c is a luxury not a requirement. I grew up with no a/c in the house or car. Even on hot days I sometimes don't use the a/c in my car to conserve gas.If you are driving from point a to point b roll the windows down and enjoy the fresh air!! Now if you put your children in the car and didn't put the windows down and let them in there..yes they could take your children but I doubt you are doing that..

  14. They can't take your kids for not having ac, especially if you're doing your best to keep them cool - cracking window while you drive, giving them cool water to drink, etc...

    However, they could take your kids if you left them alone in the car without the ac - even with the windows cracked, it will get too hot in that car. So don't leave them alone in the car. But if you're driving you should be fine.

  15. um, surely your kids would die very quickly if you removed all the air from your car. And no, they can't unless it's very hot and the kids are showing obvious signs of having problems.

  16. no they cant take your kids for that, unless you leave them there while you go shopping or something

  17. Your mom is wrong--unless you are living in your car.

  18. i don't think so.its not like your leaving them in the car while your in the store.they could use it ageist you though and say your a bad mother.just make sure you never get sent to court and you should be ok.

  19. never heard of that one before tell her that you can roll the windows down and go 55 and stay cool hope you get your ac fixed soon

  20. Nobody can take your children because you don't have AC in your car. Unless you are leaving your children in the car while you go into a store, etc., I wouldn't worry. Just keep the windows open when you drive.  

  21. Lol at the first answer... But no, that's crazy. Believe it or not, some people don't even have air conditioning in their homes. As long as the kids are safe then it's fine- open the windows and never leave them sitting in the car. If it's extremely hot (100+), you might just want to stay home.

  22. I am 49 years old and grew up in a time when hardly any but the most luxurious cars had air conditioning.  I guess we would have all been whisked away to foster care if not having AC in your car was grounds for Childrens' Services to step in.  No, if the only problem you have is broken air conditioning in your car then you are in no danger of having your children taken from you.  My kids are now 29, 26, 23, and 11.  Over the years we've had numerous times when our cars got older and the AC conked out.  Often the cost to fix it is more than the car is worth, so we would go with the famous "4/60 air" (4 windows down going 60 miles an hour).  If your kids are well taken care of and loved then you don't have to worry about Social Services stepping in unless someone (would your mom really do that?) called to make a report on you.

  23. Just open the windows.

  24. no I do not think they can take your kids for that. Are you leaving them out in the car with no air? If so, then yes. I would get the air fixed for the sake of your children, but no I have never heard of that and tell your mom if she is so concerned then she can fix your air, or have it done. They are her grand children

  25. well, how are they suppose to breathe in the car.

  26. No they cant take your kids from you because you dont have air conditioning in your car. Novv if you vvent somevvhere and it vvas very hot outside and you left your kids in your car for avvhile then YES they could take them.

  27. No

  28. Ummm...Dont leave your kids in the car. It doesnt matter that you dont have A/C in the car. Just dont be one of those stupid parents that leave their kids in the car.

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