
Is this truly how some Christians view things or just Political Propaganda?

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I keep hearing people in the media talking about Obama (and others) being "pro-abortion." Mostly, these comments are coming from Christian or Christian Conservative media. Is it truly a Christian belief that if one is pro-choice, they are "into" abortion, or is this just something the media is using to appeal to Christians' opposition to abortion?




  1. No one is pro-abortion.  The fundies are not intelligent enough to recognize that.

    The pro-life propaganda machine puts out a lot of rubbish that is out right lies.

  2. "Pro-abortion" is actually short for "pro-abortion rights."  It seems fair to equate being pro-choice with advocating the right to an abortion.

  3. You will find many atheists as well as Islamic people who believe in pro-life.  It is not just a Christian idea.  There are many people that respect human life enough to support it.  You need to know what you are saying before you speak at times without looking the foolish one.

  4. They want to say pro-abortion to make him seem like a evil person.

    But obviously sense he has two young, beautiful daughters of his own he obviously didn't convince - let alone argue with - Michelle to get an abortion.

    No one, except abortion clinic workers, are pro-abortion.

  5. Being pro choice allows situational ethics to decide whether or not to abort/kill a child. "pro choice" is just a euphemism, chosen to soften the sound/impact. KILL, ABORT, MURDER! These words may better describe what Christians believe that God believes. Softening the wording helps us to live with ourselves and the deadly choice some of us make. It helps us in denial.

  6. It's propaganda brought about by stupidity. Most Christian fundamentalists are pro-life and most of them have a very black and white world view. Therefore anyone who disagrees with their stance must be FOR abortion.

    Obama, like any sane person, believes that the person should decide, hence pro-choice. I can't speak for him, but I am pro-choice and I hate abortions. I think it's a painful, both physically and mentally, procedure that should only be carried out in the most extreme circumstances. It should never be lowered to the point where (oh my boyfriend knocked me up I need an abortion like I need my hair cut). But like I said, it's about choice.

  7. No it's not something the media is pushing. If one is pro choice they are pro abortion dear.. I don't care what kinda Freudian word manipulation you want to use. That's exactly what it is..

    Pro choice is pro abortion in my book and in any serious Christians book.. Hope this helps you..God bless you !

  8. PROTIP: making abortion illegal wont stop the desperate teenager from sticking the coat hanger up there... make it safe

  9. Knowing the media, it'd do everything in it's multi-billion dollar power to portray Obama as eating babies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

  10. I like your question.  But I'm also very aware of how the media can taint my own personal opinion on certain issues.  So while I may read what is in print.  It doesn't mean I have to believe it.

    Yahoo Answers is a classic example of how a lot of questions are shaped by the media and people with good minds for themselves run with it.  

    I did not say all that to avoid your question in any way.  And my answer is No.  And I say that for the reasons I mentioned before.  I have my own beliefs.  

    Take care.

  11. Propaganda. Unlike "anti-choice," which is what pro-life really means.

  12. A little from column A, a little from column B.

  13. No-one could really be that stupid. It's just propaganda. They think if they keep saying it, we'll somehow forget that they're lying.

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