
Is this undeniable proof that the economy under Bush is worse than it's ever been?

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Really, if Congress controls everything, than why are Democratic presidents always blamed for the bad economy? Why does Bush say he will meet with Congress memebers and urge and encourage them to push certain legislation? What does he say he has veto power? How was he able to illegally declare war without the permission of Congress?




  1. The dems in congress hold the 'purse strings'. Look at what they have done in the last 2 years.

  2. Well, Actually they don't have to come here now because of the this.

  3. the question you have to ask about President Bush, is did he take care of the country or did he take care of the Republicans. the average American is worse of that ever since the 'great depression' but the rich Americans are a lot better of than ever. we have record income levels reported by most companies.

  4. no. I do not like this admni. but i do not like lies either We had a depression. worse thing yet. people even on the NYSE were jiumping to thier deaths. mass starvation was rampant.   way worse than this now. much worse. then in the the 60 early 70 even worse than thise, worse inflation. try double digit. then the early 80s. I remember people eating dog food and   mortgage interest rates at 22 percent. No joke credit cards at 31 percent.

  5. Ha! Awesome.... This is the GOP solution to immigration... Why build a wall, just s***w up the economy.

    Thanks, you just made my day.

  6. Ever heard of the great depression?

    Your screen name fits you well

    The economy has been worse than this other times except for the great depression

    You asked if it is the worst ever. It only took the great depression to prove your statement wrong

    I dont care who the link was from. Fox news is just as unreliable as MSNBC and CNN.

    " how was he illegally able to declare war"

    As I said, your screen name is very fitting.

  7. No, but it could be proof that the economy under the Democrat majority congress is worse than it's been in a long time. But we wouldn't want to place blame where it lies when it's so much easier to blame Bush, would we?

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