
Is this unhealthy? I think I have an eating disorder..?

by  |  earlier

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So for two months now I have been eating less and getting lots more excercise. I decided to lose weight because two months ago I got called overweight by 3 of my family members. They said I was fat. I think I have an eating disorder. I am addicted to excercise. I am never happy with my weight.. And I always feel overweight now.. even when people say I am skinny or perfect. Well sometimes I tend to skip meals or eat nothing at all. I dance for 1-3 hrs. a day with breaks.

I do cardio for a 1hr. a day. I do my own workouts 1-3hrs.. Then I walk almost everywhere.. Is this unhealthy? Normal? I want to lose weight.. At least 5 more pounds. Now some of my family and friends are saying that I am starting to look too skinny.. My hip bone kinda pokes out.. Ribs but only when I lay down or suck in. Please help!




  1. i think you have anorexia nervosa. you should get checked out by a doctor.

  2. before i start... what in the world do you do that you have that much time in the day???? You must be young, high school or something and not much to do during the summer. Anyway, I think your family might have said something to you because they noticed you not eating correctly, and now theyre worried youre taking it another step too far in the other direction. the best thing you can do is to talk to them about it and let them know that since you love them so much you respect their opinions and are very sensitive to it. they may not realize a little comment set you off so far. your family will be able to help with becoming  healthy and maintaining that healthyness. that being said, i envy the time you have to work out and think of these things... put your energy into productive things like volunteering at a hospital or nursing home, it truly opens your eyes to the importance of staying healthy.

  3. It's normal for your hip bones to stick out, and as well as your ribs when you lay down or suck in. Mine do, and I'm perfectly healthy and athletic, and eat like a pig, just don't gain any weight. As long as you are still eating, I think you're okay. I think dinner would be the best meal to skip.. so if you decide that you absolutely want to skip a meal, make it dinner, because you work out less at night, and you don't burn off your dinner like you do for your breakfast and lunch. Your exercising habits are fine, but you should always get at least one full day of rest. Like.. instead of working out 7 days a week, make it like 6. (It'll prevent you from health problems, like arthritis, in the future). You can still lose weight just as effectively as making breakfast your biggest meal and making your other meals smaller. Eating as soon as you wake up in the morning boosts your metabolism, which will help you burn off fat and calories more efficiently. But as long as you're still eating normal, and not making your meal like two carrots or something, I'd say you're fine. But what may not be fine is you ALWAYS thinking you are overweight, because when you reach your breaking point to where you've reached a healthy size or weight, and you still feel you need to lose more, I don't think that's too good. When you reach a good size, you should focus on maintaining that size, and toning muscle, rather than losing more weight.

    I really hope this helped you out. Good luck with reaching your goals!

  4. oooook ,, ur in a thin linnee now ,, i think that you should gain around 3-5 kilos and maintain tht weight ,, keep on running its good

    but all tht worring is not necessary!

  5. Sounds like you're not too skinny now, but you are getting there. I don't think you need to do that much exercise, and eat. Have your family honestly tell you if you seem fat or skinny. If you are too skinny, exercise less, and eat more. If they honestly say you're overweight, increase your exercise. Try and find balance.

  6. if your bones are sticking out its to skinny try doing light weight lifting

    dont listen to what people say my sisters are BAB'S (big *** buffalos)

    and i always was the tinny sister they picked on me so much i became addicted to the gym worked out so much i ended up passing out doing my ab workout i woke up in a hospital with anemia and became kinda weight crazy. but i learned to control my self and not listen to what people say

    its just their jealousy you are perfect just the way you are but if you want to be healthy and skinny your gonna have to start eating more

  7. omg never let bully's get to you. they are the most horrible people that try to bring others down so they feel better. just laugh and say 'i actually think i look good at the weight i am.' you need self confidence because then they'll lay off and you'll still feel great. people are jerks and liars a lot. that's what i've learned in my life. but to deal with this i've also learned to just build up confidence and ignore them because that just makes you a 10x better off person then they are.

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