
Is this unlivable?

by  |  earlier

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I live with someone who goes to the toilet, right next to my room, at least every 20 minutes. I find I can't study, read or write, because of the constant interruption, or am I paying too much attention to it? Will I really escape this problem if I move, because I've noticed other people's toilets are often positioned close to the bedroom.




  1. radio may are not deeply into studying if you are bothered.

  2. Well, you can't really change the person's habits. It's going to the bathroom, a natural, private thing, even though this person goes unusually frequently. Every 20 minutes is a lot.

    So I guess you could move since you can't move your bathroom. Could you move your desk or bed in the meantime?

    I bet the person feels bad enough anyways since he or she is in the bathroom so much.

  3. Maybe use an iPod (or whatever) so you can't hear sounds from the bathroom?  Or if you can't study while listening to music, you could get a big fan for some "white noise" to drown out everything else.

  4. Yes, move. Buy a house not an expensive one just one where you don't have to deal with that.

  5. Clearly it is to you. You could try talking to your neighbour about this or rigging up some sort of sound proofing gizmo to reduce the noise impact.Background white noise (inter station FM radio hiss) can be very effective in reducing some perceived noises. If all else fails consider moving.
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