
Is this unusally cold Spring here in Indiana near Chicago only temporary, or is there really a coming ice age?

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It used to be like 20 degrees warmer for this same time of year just a few years ago. In March of 2000 here in this part of Indiana it was in the 70s, in February of 1999 it was jacket weather and in the 40s and not brutally cold like this year's February has been, and people keep talking about "Global Warming", but all I'm seeing in the past few years here is "Global Cooling", unfortunately...

It should be in the 80s right now, but for early June coming up according to the extended forecast, it won't be any cooler than the lower 70s.., Like I said, I hope this freakishly cold weather for May is only temporary and will at least be as warm here as it was in 1999, 2000, and 2001.




  1. I live in Michigan and it's been cool here too.  The reason is the jet stream has been parked farther south, Kentucky thereabouts.  And this is bringing in the cooler air from the North.  This weekend it's supposed to warm up close to 80 when the jet stream moves farther up north.  

    The weather has nothing to do with all the myths of global warming.

  2. You clearly don't understand the effects of global warming.

    Otherwise you would NOT be 'welcoming' it.

  3. Isn't it funny?  When we have record high temperatures it's proof positive of global warming if it is much cooler the next year it still manages to prove global warming.  It must be nice to know that no matter what happens you can't be proven wrong.

  4. I was wondering how far South this cold weather has stretched to this year. I hate to say this, but my predictions from the papers I've read on various topics that effect the overall climate of our planet, we are going to be seeing consistently colder Winters and Springs. We are in the beginning of a sun cycle that is expected to give off less heat. - It's supposed to last about 20 years. The ocean is actually cooling off. We are now in what's known as an El Nina weather system, which is the opposite of an El Nino weather system.

    Another factor that could come in to play that will cause our Winters to be colder is if the Jet stream pattern that drove cold air and the snow pack to form as far South as it did this Winter again - We are going to be in for some years that are going to be bitterly cold.

  5. It is actually a sign of the coming of the Apocalypse!  According to Revelations 4:20 "And Chicago will freeze in the Spring before the Dark Prince rises from Lake Michigan"

  6. We're in la nina right now; lower than average temperatures are normal.

    I hate seeing people blather on about a subject they know nothing about.

  7. What ever it does it will not be global in nature.

  8. We should be skeptical about "scientists" who predict climate future based on computer models. People are trying to play God by saying, 'Oh, this computer model told me 50 years from now that this IS going to happen.' That's an arguable point. and I think we should question it. But to say that someone has absolute knowledge of the future seems to me to be playing something more than a mortal.

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