ok my boyfriend lives w/2 roommates, a couple, they are /were some of our best friends. ANYWAY. my bf has been out of a job for a month so he fell behind on his rent. he is waiting on a check that he THOUGHT was coming in , in the beginning of the month, but instead is coming tomorrow. soooo his roommate paid his share of the rent &utilities. for him ...abou totaling t $350. that check that should be in tomorrow is about $1000 ...so he has no problem paying the roommate back. he agreed he would as SOON AS THE CHECK came in. and yes i realize it is bad to lend people money...
ok well his roommate told him that he's giving him till the end of the month to come up w/what he owes him and that my bf needs to get all his stuff out of the apartment and leave. do u think thats right? i mean...i understand my bf owes him. and he WILL pay him...so after he pays him shouldn't it be ok? i mean is it fair or even valid for the 2 people to tell him he NEEDS to leave?