
Is this vegan ice cream any good?

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I purchased Tofutti icecream sandwiches. They are dairy free (obviously.) I heard from one person that they "taste like sh*t", what is your opinion?




  1. Tofutti is the BEST vegan ice of the best! YAY vegan!

  2. Most things made from tofu are gross.  That tofutti is gross too.  The only good tofu is the cooked tofu cubes in some asian dishes.

  3. Never had 'em.

    Purely Decadent dairy-free ice cream is the best I've ever had, vegan or otherwise. Try it.

  4. Tofutti Cuties are hella good. They're just not good for you.

    Tofutti is my favorite vegan ice cream.

    It's never hard and always soft, smooth. I can never find it anywhere but small health food stores. It's been too long since the last time.

    Toffutti is the only thing worthy of apple pie.

  5. my brother is a vegan so i know some stuff.... ok first its not ice cream if it is dairy free its just a dessert (if that sounded mean I'm sry i wasn't trying to be). and it depends on what kind you have i like the mint kind the chocolate one tastes really gross and peanut butter ones ddon'ttaste like anything but most all vegan food taste like c**p anyway lol

    p.s. if you ddon'tbelieve me look on the box it ddon'tsay ice cream any where on the box because its dairy free so there is no cream

  6. Tofutti ice cream is delicious - it gives Haagan Dazs a run for its money. Never had the sandwiches, but there's only one way for you to find out - try one.

  7. i have those, and i love them. they taste amazing in my opinion. i was actually just about to go into the kitchen to grab them.

    they do taste a little different than normal ice cream, they have a tiny bit of a tofu flavor to it, but still tastes icecreamy overall.

  8. Really??? I loooove them! My favourite is the vanilla cookie with vanilla ice cream! Yumm! :p

  9. it probably does NOT taste very good. vegen ice cream? eww!!

  10. Yea it's good!!!  You can't go based on what other people say, like whoever said that they taste like sh*t could just be joking with you so you don't try it, or it's just their taste buds.  everyone is different!!!

    but i like it.  

  11. Get the Soy Delicious decadent line.  They are soooo good!  Trust me on this one. :)

  12. That one person probably does not know what good food taste like, I love them, my favorite vegan ice cream is So Delicious and Purely Decadent though.

  13. They are awesome!  If you bought them, give them a try! Also try rice dream bars and rice dream icecream oatmeal cookies. Excellent!

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