
Is this website good? 10 points, i definately pic best answer.?

by  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I only started this 4 days ago.




  1. I have 99 problems but a ***** ain't one.

  2. i like the name of it, how you have writen it in numbers, only thing is with that, people wont remember it.

    Good luck


  3. It only really "works" for people who know how to use numbers and letters interchangeably. The standard PC user would know the very basics of "usage" and for them to guess a website with such a name would not be a thought in their mind. It's a decent name, but if you want visitors, it probably won't work to well.

    I've had a look at the site as well (visitor number 4 days). Can't really make out what it's meant to be for, but something to do with videos maybe? It looks a bit "scattered" and is not terribly easy on the eyes. A little more "arranging" and possibly a little categorising might help it.

    I would imagine anyone finding the site will do so by checking your question, or pure accident.

    Don't mean that to sound rude.

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