
Is this weird, cool, interesting?

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I've recently started grade 10 of high school but there was something I had to change on my timetable and so I had to wait in a line of other who had to change their schedules, too. I had to wait in line for over 2 hours and I ended missing one of my classes. But during this time I got really bored, obviously. I only had my mp3 player and my binder. I was really sick of being in line.

Now I also happen to be a musician and so I thought that I could write a song about being in line. I wrote a whole rock song in the time I was in line.

Opinions and thoughts on this??

the cool thing was I didn't even have to think. it was like the words were just coming out and they sounded perfect




  1. It's cool that something inspired you to write a song, whatever it is. But a song about being fed up standing in line is very simple.

    But at least it's better than Jonas lyrics (deadly serious here). Someone in  my English class wrote a more original, deeper poem in 1/2 hour than all the Jonas Sister songs!

    This song maybe be pretty shallow, but it's cool you're starting to write material. There are plenty of people who have been writing songs for ages, years,  but still all they can come up with is simplistic songs. To say you're already at that stage in your early days is an acheivment!

    So be proud of what you've done, keep writing and your stuff will develop into something deeper.

  2. Inspiration often hits at weird moments. When a lot's going on it can be hard to put stuff into words. I found i could write better when i moved house, i didnt know anyone and was deadly bored. What i'm confused about is, how can you write an entire song about being in line? "i'm in a line.... lalalalalalaaaaa....."

  3. sounds like a shallow song, i like songs with meaning

  4. Well make some music and lets hear it. We promise no stealing! haha no, but seriously i'm curious now.

  5. thats cool and interesting,,godd luck with it .,

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